Chapter 6

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No, I am in context, not publishing this early. I published Chapter 5 2 days late because I am a reckless idiot and did not check whether or not the chapter is uploaded.

Anyways, enjoy!


"I never thought the first thing we'll be told to do is to help clean up," Kirishima said in a light tone as he sweeps the garden.

"I really thought we'll be going to a boot camp, but I guess it's just a normal activity," Kaminari laughs.

"Oi! What are you brats talking about?" Captain Levi called out from an open window.

"N- Nothing, sir!" Kirishima called out.

With that, Levi left the window to leave the two boys clean up. As they do, more and more of their classmates came to join them as they have cleaned up their part...and successfully pleased Captain Levi.

Soon enough, afternoon came, and after a bit of discussion, Class 1-A and the trio are free from cleaning duties to train.

"Aaah, I'm glad we're done with cleaning," Mina said as she stretched.

"It was quite the workout, though, cleaning," Kaminari responded.

"Though I have to say it's kinda fun, it's hilarious to see others get scolded to re-do the room while you don't," Sero joined in the conversation.

As the class stretched, the trio chatted amongst themselves. The trio is aware that fighting is unavoidable, and now that the trio can use 3D maneuver gears, it'll be even harder to avoid not fighting.

"When do you think we'll be transported by the way?" Ojirou asked.

"Around midnight. It's safer that way. I also believe something will happen midnight," Dream answered.

The class nodded at this and started their physical training, as the trio highly restricts quirk training.

"Oh right, why are we not allowed to use our quirks? I mean, don't you guys have it as well?" Kirishima asks the trio.

"Look, having a quirk here is abnormal. Plus, this place doesn't have the technology to heal you guys or whatsoever. Quirk training will be dangerous," George sighed.

"Don' you guys train your quirks here?" Sero asked.

"Didn't she told you that our quirk was originally given by her?" Sapnap asks.

That's when the memory replayed in the class's heads. Indeed, the trio didn't initially hold a quirk but was given one. With that, the course stayed silent as they continue stretching. The day passed quickly, and soon, night falls.

As everyone slept soundly in their respective places, a particular person floats above them, overseeing, making sure nothing is wrong.

"It really reminds me of that time..." Z said, with a sad smile.


"Come on, Zinni!" a hand reached out.

Looking up, they saw a girl reaching out and a boy behind her. As they grabbed her hand, everything went white...

Flashback ends.

"Coralie...James...I hope you're doing fine..." Z said with a sad smile as a lonesome tear rolled down.

Z wiped it, has been a while since they cried. Getting themselves together, Z then disappeared.

The next day, Class 1-A and everyone else prepared the trip to the inner walls, not knowing what they will be doing. That is...until someone signaled an attack. Everyone was immediately told to get on their horses and help evacuate the citizens.

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