Final Announcement

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Now the last thing you'd expect is to have another chapter to be uploaded, but this need to be said

I will quit writing on Wattpad, not writing entirely, but on Wattpad. Other than that, I have also left the DSMP fandom as a whole, I am no longer part of it. I apologize if this upsets you, but I no longer have the want nor passion to continue my journey here on Wattpad.

The doing of a Creator and Creator's Play will not be archived nor deleted, it will still be there, and this account will still be active, just that nothing will be posted. I might respond to some comments from time to time if I open the app.

So, what now? What's the next step?
Well I currently upload on a website called Archive Of Our Own or often known as AO3. I solely write Genshin Impact fanfictions there and is currently developing a big project, feel free to check it out if you want to. No, it's not uploaded, I'm still developing it.

This project might end up bigger than TdoaC and CP combined. It has been weeks and I'm still making it's core concept, it's big alright. Of course, it's Genshin Impact based, but I'll do my best to make it make sense even if you don't know a thing about the game. I'll give you a clue about what it's all about; the project is SAO inspired.

But that's it from me. My DMs are still open if you wish to talk to me privately or you can just comment and hope the notification will appear on my screen because holy I don't get notifs sometimes.

Love you all and thank you for the amazing journey here on Wattpad <3
(My AO3 account if you're interested)

Yours truly,
ZodiacF or Myvst
(Aka StrlghtReadz)

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