Chapter 8

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Aaaaa crap, I didn't manage to post it earlier-- Sorrryyy. This is not an excuse but I was streaming anime with my friends TwT.

But anyways, enjoy!


Managing to deal with the controlled members, they 5 sighed in relief...only for that to be cut off by the scene of the members being brutally killed.

"Holy shit," Sapnap took a step back, surprised.

"Aaaaah!! Bastard!! Now they're killed!!" the boar head guy shouted.


"So you're saying that the trio is gone?" Alviar* repeated what he just heard.

*[Alviar is my OC - Just in case]

The Survey Corps has returned with fewer members in their arsenal; worst of all, the trio is also gone. Alviar knows precisely why that's the case, but he's hesitant to reveal so.

"Yes, and we're worried about them. You seem to know those three personally. Do you possibly know where the trio would've gone?" Hange asked.

Alviar took a deep breath and sighed. He knew he would be asked such a question, but the problem is, he doesn't know whether it's his place to say where they went.

"I know them, possibly more than you guys do, yes, but I don't personally know him, Dream especially. Those three guys are way too far for me to reach, sorry," Alviar sighed.

Those who were in a room with him sighed in defeat, knowing that they won't be able to find the trio without any leads, and the last person to see the trio has been torn into shreds. Alviar excused himself and went to the training area. There, he saw a familiar face.

"Hey, Leikann*, right?" Alviar greeted the shorter male, who immediately stopped and turned around.

*[Leikann is also my OC :D]

"Y- Yea, that's right. You must be Alviar; it's a pleasure to meet you," Leikann positioned himself to give a salute.

"No need to be so formal with me; I'm quite laid back, to be frank," Alviar shoved his hands into the pockets in his pants.

Leikann simply nodded as Alviar walked beside him.

"So you're training?" Alviar asked.

"Yea. Comparing to the other members, I'm pretty weak. My sword grip isn't good; I've got my sword stuck in a titan's nape a couple's only about time I would get killed," Leikann sighed.

"Nah, I've seen you out there; you're pretty talented; it's just you're using the wrong techniques. Here, let me help out," Alviar walked towards Leikann and helped with his sword grip.

Hours passed, and the two continuously trained, mainly Leikann; Alviar is simply there to help him out. Leikann slowly but surely got better, to the satisfaction of Alviar, that is.

"Hey, have you ever tried doing a 1 on 1?" Alviar asked out of the blue.

"Of course. 1 on 1 battle is something I had to learn as a trainee; why?" Leikann tilted his head slightly.

Alviar smirked at this and look at Leikann dead in the eyes before saying;

"Want to try and do a 1 on 1 battle with me?"

Back in The World of Demons...

"Holy shit, this thing does not give up," George said as he jumped onto a tree as a demon puppet continuously attack them.

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