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Rose gets ready for the evening. She is looking extremely beautiful. Although she is naturally beautiful and the dress enhances her beauty to another extent.

Charles then open the door of her room and finds that she is about to wear her stilettos. He looked at her from a distance and she is looking extremely beautiful like a innocent doll. He moves towards her and appreciates her "The dress fit you so well".

Rose then smiles and thanked him . After that both of them move towards the car.
When both of them sits inside the car , Rose found two bottles of antique wine wrapped beautifully.

She couldn't help but asked curiously "did you family like antique and old things?"

Charles then replied calmly " My grandma and grandpa like to have only this antique wine in family function and celebration . Today is a special day so I brought it, for them."

Rose then nodes . Soon they arrived at the OLD MANSION.

One of the servant went inside and inform grandma " Madam, Young master and young madam has arrived." As soon as they received the news all of them went outside to receive them.

Rose came outside the car and she was amazed to such a Royal mansion in front of her. It was so beautiful that one could have only seen it in fairly tales. She thinks how can a Mansion be so beautiful.

Charles came behind her and bend towards her hear and says in a husky voice " are you planning to stay here the whole day and stare the Mansion?"

Rose is startled and says innocently "I.. I am not. I am waiting for you to lead the way..."

Charles smrink and then hold her hand and started moving towards the gate.

At the gate grandpa, grandma and Charles father and mother all were there to welcome both of them. As Rose finds them ,she thinks this family is really warm. It give a feeling of close affinity.

Grandma came forward and hug Charles and says lovingly " you naughty kid, finally you remember this old lady. "

Charles smile and said coaxing tone " Grandma don't be sad, you know you are then only one special to me. How can I forget such a beautiful lady. Don't you know you are my first girlfriend. Nobody can snatch it from you."

Seeing a sudden change in Charles behavior Rose think " This guy can even be so gently I couldn't have believe this. No one knows this side of his. If he can only become like t
His forever...."

Then grandma teases him " now you are getting married who knows what will happen next...."

All the family members laughs , they are already used to then grandson grandmother relationship.

Grandpa then came forward and says in a teasingly " beautiful lady, you must be his fiance right

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Grandpa then came forward and says in a teasingly " beautiful lady, you must be his fiance right. I am his grandpa. You must be tired, come inside with us and let the duo have their time here... When they meet they really don't care about others. "

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