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Rose at that moment forget that she is sitting on his lap. All she could think now is about the room. She think what Charles says is actually right. We can't stay in two different suites and moreover if be order two bed it also looks suspicious then..."

While Rose is busy thinking Charles holds one of the lace from her dress in his hand says teasingly " After becoming Mrs Charles you have become bold. Did you plan to sit on my lap just after coming to our honeymoon. Although I don't mind doing things with you on the sofa ... This sofa is also big and comfortable.. what do you say?...."

Rose when realized that she is actually sitting on his lap she pushed Charles and stands up immediately

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Rose when realized that she is actually sitting on his lap she pushed Charles and stands up immediately. She is embarrassed and her face is red because of embarrassment. She says angrily "Who wants to sit there... You made me sit there.. Then why are you teasingly me now...."

Charles then says politely "Now go and get changed. Aren't you uncomfortable a few hours back wearing the wedding dress. "

Rose then says "Yaa I am going to change, you don't dare to come inside now..." After saying that she leaves.

Then she enters the bathroom and finds that the bathroom is quite big and luxurious. The bathtub is also quite big and is all covered with Rose petals and it's smell so refreshing.

She then begins to unbotton her dress. But all the button are in the back and she is unable to unbotton it. At the time she wear the dress Lily did it for her but now... How is she going to unbotton it. Damn.....

She tries hard for an hour but she can only unbotton the the first two. What about the rest.... She tried doing it in sitting standing but its all in vein.. And now what will she do.. Another hour past but she didn't came out..

Charles then sees the time and thinks it's already two hours what took her so long. He finally went to the bedroom to check.

He knocked at the door but nobody replied. Then he again knocked but still no reply. Then he open the door and went inside. He finds no one inside then he move to the bathroom door ask ask "Rose are you there..."

Finally Rose replies "I am here..."

Charles then ask impatiently "what are you doing inside. You are already inside for two hours.. now come outside. I want to take a shower...."

Rose then says "Okay give me 10 mins. I am coming.."

Charles then says seriously "Okay last ten minutes if you don't come out don't blame me for going inside.."

Rose thinks what will I do. I already tried for two hours but still unable to unbotton it. How am I going to unbotton it in ten minutes.

Ten minutes have passed. Charles then says impatiently "I am coming inside , open the door."

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