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Rose think once he unbotton the last one the dress will fall of eventually and she will be all naked before him.

As she was about to tell him to stop he already done unbuttoning the last one.. and the dress falls of revealing her bare snow white skin to him.. She was standing in front of a mirror so her bare front is also visible to Charles.

She doesn't know how to react at that moment. Will she shout or push him out... She kept on standing..

She is only on her innerwears.  As the dress is white and Lacy so she wear matching underwear with it which was also white and Lacy making her look more sexy..

Charles when look at her is really out of his mind and just keep staring at her.. her body is in perfect shape and those innerwears are too thins that almost everything is clearly visible through it..

Rose was about to push her  but Charles grab her from behind and started kissing her sexy back with his hot lips and leaving his mark on it.  Rose feels her hot breath over her body.

She scream is pain " Ah... stop ... This... Ahh.. ". But Charles was aroused by her body so much that he can't control himself now. After making few marks on her back he finally kisses her neck from behind and leaving a mark on it.

Rose struggles to to free herself for him but fails. She screams in pain "Ahh...."

Then he suddenly turn her around making her face him. She know that Charles is now out of control she has to stop him other wise she will be taken by him... She then beg him "Please don't ... Stop it.. " She has tears in her eyes.

Seeing her like this Charles step backwards pick up a towel and covers her body gently. He then says softly "you take you shower here I will go to the swimming pool. " and he left the bathroom and slammed the door behind.

Rose thinks what happened just now... She opens the shower and cries....

Charles went to the pool to cool himself down and thinks why do I always loose control over this girl... Then again her picture of wearing those sexy innerwears came to his mind and he feels hot again. He thinks this girl she really have the ability to arouse me like this...

After swimming he only wrapped the towel around his lower body and he is dripping wet

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After swimming he only wrapped the towel around his lower body and he is dripping wet. He then comes to his room to change.

As he entered he finds Rose is wearing a sexy dress. The dress is too revealing and it barely hides her skin.

She tries to pull her dress downward to make it more longer so that she could hide her skin.

When she sees Charles she is shocked and screams "Ah... what are you doing here.. Why haven't you wear anything "... She turns backwards and closed her eyes.

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