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Grandma then says angrily " You can go and talk your business we ladies will spend our time together."

After they went Grandma finally get some time to talk with Rose alone. Then grandma ask " daughter, tell me what's your next plan now..are you going to continue your job.?

Rose then said "grandma I really want to continue my job. As for me I want to stand in my own feet and have to support Lily. She is the only one I have left from my family now. I have to make her study hard. I must protect her."

Grandma then ask seriously " I know you want to protect her, but one day if you find that you have to choose between family and your job what will you choose? "

Rose then says " Grandma for me family comes first. If some day the situation became like this I definitely choose family. I really miss my family so much. After loosing them I feel so lonely, at that time I really don't know what to do. I don't have any job. If my father and mother were there then this situation have never happened ". She sobs...

Grandma then says lovingly " silly girl.. Don't you have us now. Why do you think like this...."

Grandma think this girl is really different she is not with Charles for money

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Grandma think this girl is really different she is not with Charles for money. And she also values family the most. I think this girl is best for Charles.

Grandma then appriciate Rose " daughter I heard that you can cook delicious food. When are you going to invite us to have the taste of it ??. Thank God you know how to cook ...... "

Then she turned around and look at Charles mother and says teasingly " .....unlike my daughter in law who doesn't know how to cook good food."

Charles mother then says annoyingly " mom stop teasing me now, I know you have a granddaughter now but it doesn't mean you can abandoned me. "

Grandmother then again says teasingly "yaa actuall you are right I can abandon you now. I should have done it earlier if my son doesn't love you the most . Hmph...."

Charles mother then says " mom... Hmm... I see... This time I am surely not going to give you the sweet dishes prepare by me... "

Rose laughs seeing them like this. She thought this family is quite loving. Charles is really blessed to have such a family. Her eyes are filled up with tears.

When Grandma noticed it she then hugs Rose and tells coaxingly " silly girl!!! What are you thinking ? Are you missing your family ? Don't cry we are all your family now ."

Rose then says in a sobing tone .. " I know grandma...."

Grandma then teases her " but I don't think so... Smile first and don't cry. I don't want to see tears in my granddaughter eyes. Come on now smile.... You really look good when you smile.."

Rose then smiles.

Grandma then cheer her up and kisses her forehead "That's like my granddaughter !!!" .

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