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After the incident two days passed and Rose injury has healed a lot .

Charles went downstairs to have breakfast. Rose then wishes him "good morning". Charles nodes.

Charles then asked in a serious tone "where is Lily ? I haven't seen her for 2 days? Is she doing well?"

Rose then replied  " She is having her exams so after two week so she is studying."
Charles then asked "How's your wound now?"

Rose replied thankfully " It's good now . All thanks to you. "

Charles then says "okay then be ready at 5pm we are going to old house today." Rose is shocked and asked "why am I supposed to go there. ?"

Charles replied in calmly "because my grandma want to meet you." Rose feels a bit awkward and says " I don't know anyone of them and moreover why didn't you told me about it earlier? I must have prepared something.?"

Charles chuckled and said "what do you want to prepare ? Just meet them that's all. And remember not to tell anything about this contract marriage. If  I heard about it then things will not be good for you."

Rose gets angry and said  "why do you always have a habit of giving orders to people and threaten them. Do you ever try to request them for anything ?"

Charles then replied in a cold tone " what did you say

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Charles then replied in a cold tone " what did you say. I never requested anyone. I just give orders. And you be prepared". After saying that he left for office.

Rose then says to herself "he will remain like this no matter what you do, how good you behave"🙄😏.

She then went upstairs and told Lily that she is going to meet Charles family today. Lily become very happy after listening this and said teasingly "finally my sis is going to meet her in-laws. Remember to be good to them. Otherwise who knows they may reject you. "

Rose get angry listening to this and says in a scolding tone " you.. you really know house to tease you sister. Let me teach you who is older and who is younger one." After that she both throws pillows at each other.

After a few minutes both sit hugging each other. Rose then said  sadly "I don't know what to wear, I don't have anything like  that to wear."

As soon as she said someone knocked the door. Rose open and Uncle Su deliver a parcel and said respectfully "young madam , young master have send it for you. " Rose nodes and takes the parcel .

Lily  then open the gift and find a small note . She pass it on to Rose and said teasingly " I haven't read it. You read it. Mr HANDSOME  must have send you some romantic notes".

Rose again scold her and then she finally read the note "Wear it today, LOVE♥️"

She then open the box and found a beautiful pink dress inside it. It's simple dress but it's look like an elegant one.

Lily again teases her "What a telepathy, one knows what the other one wants."

Rose pull her ears and said scoldingly " Aren't you teasing me too much these days? Which rubbish things are you watching ?"

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