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Charles says seriously " I have prepared everything we are leaving for the venue tomorrow morning at 6am . So be prepared."

After saying that he leaves.

At night both of them had their dinner and slept.

At morning they reach the venue and two different room were already booked for them. They both get ready in their rooms.

At Charles room they are professional presents get him dressed. There were professional for everything. Although a man doesn't need much time to get ready. But afterall it's their royal wedding and how can there not be progressional for everything.

On the other side Rose is also getting ready. Her hairs , her nails her dress , her jwellery , her makeup for everything there were professional artist are present. All of them were word class. Even if you have money you rarely get a chance to get their appointment. All these are only possible because of Charles William.

After taking hours both of them are finally ready for the ceremony.

The makeup artist present there praises Rose "Madam you are a natural beauty and today you are just looking like a fairly . We all wish you a good luck."

Rose finally stands up and sees herself in mirror she could believe that the one standing before the mirror is actually herself. All of this is like a dream to her. And she doesn't want to break this dream. She smiles...

But then she feels sad thinking that the wedding is grand but actually it's all a show in the eyes of everyone

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But then she feels sad thinking that the wedding is grand but actually it's all a show in the eyes of everyone. The harsh truth is this drama is only for two years and we are contractual couples. When she thinks about it she has tears build up over her eyes. 

Lily when sees it says angrily " Sis why are you crying. If you cry your makeup is going to smudge. Today is you wedding day so you should be happy."

Finally Uncle Su came in and appreciate her "Young madam you really look beautiful today. Meet Aunt Su she is my wife ."

Rose says "thank you Uncle Su. I have a request for you please accept it like your own daughter is requesting you . You are like a father to me."

Uncle Su then says happily "Young madam don't talk like this. I will do whatever you say if it is within my limits."

Rose then ask "Uncle Su will you and Aunt Su escort me down the aisle.?"

Uncle Su is shocked and says "This... Young madam but...."

Rose then says sadly "My parents died in an accident and I don't have any relative other than Lily and she is my maid of honor. You both are like parents to me please accept this."

Aunt Su then says happily "Young madam , young master is really lucky to have you as his wife. You are really kind hearted otherwise who let a housekeeper to escort down the aisle "

Rose then says thankfully "Thank you Aunt Su and Uncle Su for accepting my request. This really means a lot."

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