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She takes a few steps and stretches her hand to both side and started twirling happily. She is very happy at that time and is enjoying the snowfall to it's fullest.

 She is very happy at that time and is enjoying the snowfall to it's fullest

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Seeing her like this Charles orders his subordinate go back. He doesn't want anyone to enjoy this view. Although he had booked the whole place but still he doesn't want to other to see her like this.

Charles then moves towards her and hugged her from behind and kissed her cheeks.
Then he says lovingly "if you like this place so much we can stay here permanently."

Rose then turns back to face him and says "This place is beautiful but I don't want to stay here forever

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Rose then turns back to face him and says "This place is beautiful but I don't want to stay here forever.... ".

Charles then hugs her from waist. Rose keep her head on his chest and hugs him. Charles kissed her forehead. They both stand like this for a while enjoying each other embrace.

Charles then says "okay okay.. Now let's come inside and have your lunch. You haven't ate anything since the morning."

Then they both went inside the igloo glass house. The house is really very beautiful.. After eating something Rose freshen up first and sits in the bed to see the view outside.

Charles after taking a shower comes out in a sexy black robe and find her laying in the bed by the stomach down and enjoying thethe view outside through the glass window....

Charles after taking a shower comes out in a sexy black robe and find her laying in the bed by the stomach down and enjoying thethe view outside through the glass window

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He moves close to her quietly and hugs her from her waist. Rose who is enjoying the show get started and shouts in shock "Ah..."

Charles then says in assuring tone "Sh... It me.."

Rose then says calmly "Oh it's you.."

Charles says teasingly "You are expecting someone else..? In this whole world will dare to touch my woman.?"

Rose says shyly "I didn't mean to say it like that.. I just didn't expect you to come like this.."

While they are talking Charles grandmother calls...

Charles pick up the phone with one hand while the other hand still hugging her.

Grandma asked excitedly "My boy how's your honeymoon going..? Is she happy or not.?"

Charles replies "Everything is good. Yes you granddaughter is happy. She is enjoying the snowfall now..."

When Rose listen to their conversation she is sure it's grandma. She kept on listening silently.

Grandma then says innocently "It's good that she is happy. Child I am old now please give me great grandchildren fast. I want to see your kids...and play with them."

Grandpa then takes the phone from grandma and says teasingly "Don't come home without a good news. Work hard and don't let us down.."

Charles chucked and says "Okay grandpa I will work hard but this is only possible if you don't disturb us right..?"

Grandma then says "okay we are hanging up now. Take good care of her and yourself. And give us the good news as soon as possible." After saying that she hangs up the phone.

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