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Rose then break free from his embrace and thought of something suddenly and says in a serious tone "but I have 3 condition". Listening to these Charles is shocked. He thinks now what are these three condition?. What are these conditions about?.

But he himself don't know why without listening to her condition he replied instantly " I Charles William is willing to fulfill all your conditions whatever it is."

After hearing this Rose is surprised. How can he casually just say yes without listening to the conditions. He is really too confident about himself.

She then sees Charles is still on his knees and says "you stand up, your knees will be in pain, if you continue to sit like this. " Hearing her he stand up.

Rose then ask curiously "you have accepted my condition without knowing them. Aren't you interested to know what are they?. What if I will ask for something you can't give it to me.?"

Charles then chuckled and proudly says "In this world there is nothing that I can't give to my woman."

Rose then said teasingly "You are too full of yourself

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Rose then said teasingly "You are too full of yourself. Okay if you are confident enough then I will tell you my conditions. But my conditions are not that easy to deal with. Let's see whether you can agreed to it or not."

She then says in a serious tone "Isn't it men's always says women's are most difficult to understand. Actually it's really not true. As for me you can understand a person most when two of you think alike. You have to keep yourself in their place at that point then think about it. It will become easier to solve.

For me love is not about gifting people all these valuable things. For me its all about how much the two people understand themselves and spend their life together forever.

Hearing all these Charles is a bit confused. Untill now he only knows that women really like valuable gift and expensive things. Isn't it? All the women want to be with him because of this only.

The words which she is speaking are actually going above his head. He is really not able to understand what the hell is she talking about. He stand there with a expressionless face. As if he really is understanding all the things.

Rose already guessed from his expression that all these things which she is speaking is beyond his understand . So she just think to stop what she is saying and changed to the main topic. "Anyways I know you are too curious to know what are my condition. Rest assured I don't want any property of your not even asked you to buy me a moon or star or expensive gift for me. I know this things only happens in movies."

My thinking about marriage is a bit different. I want my relationship to be a special one. I want the one I love to understand me the most. The one with whom I want to share everything which I have in my mind without hesitation.

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Here's a ques for you all what you think what are those three conditions???

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