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It's a Monday morning. The weather is sunny. ROSE woke up early to get ready for his visit to Charles office so she wore a white shirt and a mini skirt with a black lace. She looks perfect in every dress she wear.

She went to CHARLES office. It was huge building may be of 20 floor. Whole of it is made up of glass. As she entered she ask someone about Mr Williams and she was told that his cabin is in the top most floor of the building. So took the public lift as in the private lift only Charles is allowed to enter and nobody else. Finally she reached the 20th floor and there she meet his secretary LISA who greeted her ask "how can I help you mam". She told I want to meet Mr William. Is he here . Lisa ask if she has an appointment? But unfortunately she didn't have any. But she has to meet Charles today only as she has only 15 days left. So she requested Lisa to please let him meet.
Lisa ask her name and she told ROSE TAYLOR.

Lisa called Charles and told "Sir a lady named Rose Taylor is here to meet you and she has something urgent to discuss with you .."

Just that he immediately told Lisa to bring her to his cabin.

Lisa took Rose towards his cabin. His cabin was made of glass from where he can see what's happening outside bit nobody can see what's going on inside. By that way he keep an eye on every thing. When she entered his cabin. She was surprised the cabin is too large it was even bigger than her whole house. It was beautifully decorated and organised well. There was a big table and Charles was sitting there working on his laptop.

When Rose came inside he immediately order Lisa to leave. And she left leaving both of them alone, in the room. He told Rose to sit and ask her what's the reason of her visit. She told him the reason and he replied "I see" . She told him that she want more days as she doesn't have that much of money but then he told him that he never wait for his money longer. She put her head low then, suddenly he told him that he know that she will not be able to pay him that huge amount of money even if he will give him a year and she nodded in suppport . So let's make a deal .

She was shocked by his words she doesn't has money to pay not even a house what might be then the deal is about. He read her mind and told her he doesn't need any of these. She was surprised how could he was able to read her mind what she was thinking.

Then she asked than what's the deal is about. "He told her to marry him for 2 years". She felt a shock , she fell like the floor beneath her feet is not there now there was no roof over her head. How could he just told someone to marry him for 2 years. Is he even a human. He think money can buy anything. She has a dream to marry someone whom she will love. She will marry someone with whom she can spend her entire life loving each other. But this man is just.. she just met him twice and he told her to marry him for 2 years . Is she having a dream or may be he is joking.

She get up from her chair and told him no way this will not going to happen . I will never be your wife in my life. As she was about to leave he hold her hand and make him sit in the chair and told her "you dared to refuse me , did you even have any idea what I can do . I can throw you out of your house both you and your sister within seconds. Did you really want to see that."

She feel a bit of fear and tears falls from her eyes but gather some courage and told that she can't marry him because of money. Marriage is something which happens when two people are deeply in love.

He laughed and told him "you fool love is just waste of time . It makes people sick to do silly things. I don't believe in all that rubbish. "

She told him that one day you too will fall in love with someone and you will realise what love actually is. How it feels to love someone so deeply.

To her surprise he told him stop dreaming about that and she has only one day to think about their marriage after that she has to return the money. Now he is even not willing give her those 15 days . By saying that he throw the contract on the table and told her to sign it in a day or pay him the money.

She started reading the contract it read that they will have a contract marriage for 2 years. He is allowed to have some extra relationship but she is not allowed to have such reationship. She has to follow his husband whatever he say to her.

She was shocked and ask what is that he is allowed to have relation with other women but she can't . He stand up from his chair and moved behind her chair and lean to toward her. She can feel his cold breath over her shoulder. She feels a shivers travels down through her spine. He smells her , she smells like same that of the graduation day. He feels his cock is getting harder and wanting to fuck her harder and harder and only she will moan his name in pleasure when he do that.

He told her it's true baby after the marriage for 2 years you are mine only mine

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He told her it's true baby after the marriage for 2 years you are mine only mine. Nobody is allowed to roam around you except for me. You have to please me every night.

She feels hot , her cheeks were red. She stood up from her chair is is about to leave without saying anything as she knows if she tells anything to him he will talk more dirty to her. But suddenly he told tomorrow I will wait for you baby . Please come early.

She turned back and left .......

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