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Charles says "it's too late now... Just endure the pain.. Next time don't dare to say no to me.."

He sees how her body is reacting to him and says "See how much you are enjoying it.. Aren't you...??".

He continues to do it until morning when he is fully satisfied with her and then he let her go when she is almost unconscious...

The both slept after that...

Next morning when Rose wake up he didn't find Charles there.. nor there was any note for her.

When she wakes up she was in pain . Her whole body is sore.. it's all because he overdo it last night..

Rose thinks of her first night how he took care of her and how he accompanied her for the whole day.. but this time things are different.. It's like an invisible line has already created between them..

Remembering things from the first time and the last night she feels sad. Tears started falling from her eyes... She thinks maybe it's because of he is too stretched with the meeting... I am thinking a lot.. But last night what he did was actually wrong..... No mhow much she tried to soothe herself but at some corner of her heart she is still hurt...

She gets up from her bed with support and then went to bathroom to washes her up. She is really determined to talk to him. She thinks it will be late if she didn't talk to him now... It's better I go and talk to him in office..

She after sober up gets ready and went to his office. All of them already knows who she is so nobody stops her.

But before she opens the door Robert says "Madam boss, boss is busy now.. will you mind waiting here for a few minutes.."

Rose thinks if she waits further it will become more complicated. She says "I want to meet him now.." and with that she went directly to Charles office..

The moment she opens the door she is shocked. She finds that Miss Jennifer is sitting in his lap and both of them are too close, that they are almost kissing.

She closed the door silently and says to Robert

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She closed the door silently and says to Robert ."Don't Tell him that I came here.." Take this as a request from madam boss. After saying that she leaves.

She has no mood to go to the hotel now. The more she thinks about last night the more disgusted she feels..

She went to a park and sits on a bench.. it's almost noon so nobody is there.. and it's also best for her too she want to spend some time alone.. She cries for a few minutes..

After that a handsome guy comes and sits beside him and says politely "It's okay sometimes crying out and venting what's inside you is good.."

She looked at him and says "Who.. who are you..?"

The handsome guys says "I.. I am the guy whom you met yesterday when you drop your things ... "

She remembers and then says "I am have already said thanks to you .. what do want from me.. are you following me..?"

He says politely "I am not following you. I just accidentally saw you here and you are not looking good so I think to help you out.. you can share things with me ... "

As for the short chapter sorry readers these chapters are just the jist of long chapters. Once the book is completed I will update the whole chapter after deciding the platform. Till now you can enjoy the story... Hope you will wait for the detailed chapters...

I hope you all are enjoying the story 😊.....

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