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It's a Wednesday morning. Like any other usual day Charles was in his office doing his work. Suddenly he picked up his phone called his secretary LISA " Ms Lisa cancel all my meetings for today ". After saying that he cut the call without waiting for her reply.

She was shocked not because he cancelled all his meetings because it was usual things but because he canceled it on a short notice. He never did that before. If he have to cancel meetings he had already conveyed it before. And today they have a important meeting and he already knows that how hard it was to get a appointment with the client they had a meeting today, but he still canceled it. Maybe something big has happened today. She knows better than to question him. She has no right to question him back but only to follow his order as he was the boos here and she was a mere secretary.

In Charles mind he recalls his brother David who called him last night  and requested him to come to his college for the graduation day which was scheduled tomorrow (means today) as he was his only brother and David want to enjoy his big day with his parents and brother .

Earlier Charles didn't want to go to his college because he did not like to attend college program too much. It only got media attention too much. But God knows what happens to him that day that he suddenly changed his mind. Maybe destiny want something to happen🤔.

He stood up from his chair picked  up his phone and move out of his office and there parked his Black BMW. He went inside the car and told HARRY (his driver) to take him to David's college and again he goes on working with his tab. He always was busy with his work and has no time for his family .

Within few minutes they reached the college "THE ROYALS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS" . As he moves out from the car all the reporters were there surrounding him clicking pictures &  enquiry about his deals. He tried to make it brief and just move inside the college. When he entered he spotted David standing with his parents, he directly went to them. When DAVID saw his brother came he was on cloud 9 and was extremely happy. He immediately hugged him and said excitedly "thank you big bro for coming" . He couldn't control his happiness as he was so happy with his presence. Soon the graduation ceremony begins and all the students weee called to stage to take their certificates .........

Charles was least interested in all these so he just sat on one of those chair and opened his tab to do the work. He was so busy working with his tab that he didn't pay much attention to the programmes . As the ceremony comes to an ends he thought of getting his parents and leave but a  girl suddenly bumped into him. She look up at him briefly and quickly apologised "sorry " and started to leave as she didn't know who he was. But before Charles could say anything to her she has already left. This made Charles a little bit angry, never in his life anybody dared to bumped into him and just left like that. But anyway he choose to ignore it. He goes out and he find David there. David wants Charles to meet his friends and also his friends are excited to meet the young billionaire too. It was rare for them to meet him as he doesn't appear on such events. So after everyone's requests David agreed and introduced his some friends to his brother. Charles seemed to be not interested in them. But anyway he shook his hands knowing it will make his brother happy.

Suddenly David saw Rose coming to their way. He waved his hand at her and called her. He wanted Rose to meet his brother Charles too.

When Rose came he introduced her to his brother " Big bro this is Rose and she is the top most student of the college."

She smiled shyly and said "Oh stop or David!! you are exaggerating things".

David slimes and said " I am not oh and Rose this is my big bro Charles William".

Rose extended her hand for a hand shake and said "Nice to meet you Mr William."

Charles look at her from top to bottom and she was wearing a pink flared dress which reached upto her knee length. Her long black hairs was kept open and unlike other she has a minimal makeup in her face that was looking quite natural. She really looked like an angel. Rose was aware of his starting and she felt a bit awkward at the way he was starting at her. She was about to withdraw her hand but suddenly Charles extended his hand for a handshake. She first felt a bit uneasy about his actions but anyway she shook her hand.

He pressed her hand a little tightly as it feel so soft to him, Rose winced in pain "Ouch". Now Rose felt something was definitely strange with him. He instantly and leave her hand but didn't apologised. She thought of him as a rude one but since he was David brother she thought to leave the matter.

Then he recognized she is the one who bumped in him at the exit. He bend toward her ear and sense she smelled so nice , and he tell him that. This made a cold shiver move down through her spine as he speak in his deep voice.

Then he ask her about her family she told them that they didn't came because they have to go somewhere with her sister LILY

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Then he ask her about her family she told them that they didn't came because they have to go somewhere with her sister LILY. He feels sigh as she was there alone.

Then suddenly David tell his brother to drop Rose home as he is going with other friends to a night club and Rose is not allowed to go there as her parents strictly told her. So they all left leaving Rose and Charles alone there.

He felt quite relieved that she doesn't go for parties. It means she doesn't drink or hang out at night like other girls. He feels a bit happy. Thanks to her parents for this strict rules....

He then tell her to come with him . But she remained still thinking about something. God knows what......

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