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Charles wakes up as she cried in pain. He then gets up hurriedly and says "I know you are sore today. Stay still, I will help you.."

Rose thinks isn't it because of him I am like this... He is not acting differently...

He then removes the quilt and pick her up. The moment he picks her up she struggled and shouts " put me down. I ... I am not wearing anything...".

Charles then says teasingly "which part of your I haven't seen and kissed yesterday.. Just stay still.. the more you move the more hurt you will be..."

Then he carried her to the bathroom in the bridal style and put her down gently on the toilet seat.

Rose then says "you go outside..." After he goes outside she stands in front of the mirror and finds his marks all over her body. Then she remembers what happens last night closing her eyes. She smiles. When she opens her eyes she can't believe that she actually smiles. She actually tells him to continue it... She even can't believe it...

Isn't it like that he forced her first but why did she request her after that and why is she smilingly now

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Isn't it like that he forced her first but why did she request her after that and why is she smilingly now...?? A lot of questions were there unanswered...After that she takes a shower and came out wearing a bath robe.

Charles who was standing patiently at the door picks her up again in bridal style and put her on the bed. Then he brings breakfast for her.

Rose knows he had prepared it all so she directly asked when did you prepared it.

Charles replies politely "when you are in the bathroom."

Rose is shocked listening to this. This time he actually replied . Oh my God!!. It seems after last night he has really changed a lot.

After that Charles gives her some medicine to release her pain..

Charles then says teasingly "Last night....didn't you tell me to continue but you..... you slept too early. I didn't expect you to be so weak. Eat a lot from now on to get nourishment.."

Rose blushed and says "You are still taking about last night.  I don't want to listen now.."

She then sees outside from the glass window.

Charles then asks politely "you want to go outside.?"

Rose nods. Charles then brings a dress for her and help her wear it. He then brings the jacket for her. Then he is about to carry her but she says "I am okay now.. I can walk.."

She then walks outside and she feels the fresh air.. She think after yesterday night things had changed a lot. We are no longer the same. Even he have become more gentle to me.. if things are really like this....

Charles then comes and says "Didn't you want to make snowman and click picture with it

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Charles then comes and says "Didn't you want to make snowman and click picture with it.? Then let's do it..."

Both of them started to make a big snowman. Rose picks up a handful of snow make it into a ball and throws it to Charles.

Charles didn't say anything.. Rose thinks why did I even do it out of impulse. He.. he will get angry now...

As she was about to apologize Charles throws a snow ball to her.

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