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Rose then says calmly "I just meet him today  at orphanage. I don't now him Charles..".

He leaves her and both sits for dinner. At the dinner table Charles says her to come near him. As she move towards him he pulls her and make her sit on his lap.

Rose is shocked and blushes..

Rose then ask politely "do you have something that you want to tell me..".

Charles says "No I am not.."

Rose thinks it will be better if I give him more time.. may be he says about the office things later on..

He then says politely "Feed me with your hands..."

Rose started feeding him and think may be he needs time and tell about it later... Then suddenly he feels Charles hands on her bare thighs.

 Then suddenly he feels Charles hands on her bare thighs

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Rose feels embarrassed and says "What are you doing...Stop this.."

Charles then pushes his hands more deep inside her skirt. He then says huskily "what do you think what I am doing...?"

Then he yanked her panties and put it on the table

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Then he yanked her panties and put it on the table...

Rose hand trembles. Charles then kissed her earlobe and says him huskily "Just concentrate on feeding me...  why are you so nervous..."

He then touched her privates and pushed his finger inside her.. She moans in pleasure "Mmmm..."

She then puts the bowl on the table and grab his hands to stop him.. But he grabs her hands with other hand and holds it behind her back..

He kept on doing it...  He then started doing it with two finger and with more force and more roughly.."

The more he teases her the more she moans in pleasure "Ah... Mmmm. Charles...". It's like a sweet torture to her.. She clench her teeth so that she could stop herself from moaning much in front of him.

But Charles already guesses it he tells her huskily "moan louder or else I am not gonna leave you today...... ".

Rose then tells "Ah.... Charles please stops I am really felling uncomfortable there ... "

But Charles doesn't listen to her instead he started doing it with much force and more roughly than before..

She moans lightly. "ahn.... Mnmm.. .mhm..".

Charles then shouts "Louder... ". and kept doing it more roughly....

She the moans loudly "Ahmmm ... Charles.. Ahaaa... mmmhmmm... stop... Please..'s too fast....please.. please... stop..I .. I can't.. take it....".

He continues untill she release on his fingers... . Then only he let her go. Her whole body is shaking after that..

She buries her head in his chest. Her face is red due to embarrassed. Charles smiles when he sees how her body reacts to him...

He then asked huskily "did it feels good...?".
Rose is blushed. Seeing her reaction he get his answer.

Then he says huskily "this is the punishment for today if you dare to go out with another men the punishment will not be this pleasant...".

He then picked her up by her waist and put her on the bed and hugged her to sleep. Next morning when she wakes up she found Charles is still there sleeping beside her.

She glanced at his face and then touched his face lightly afraid that she will wake him up

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She glanced at his face and then touched his face lightly afraid that she will wake him up. After a few seconds Charles opens his eyes and says teasingly "How is it did did you like it...?"

Rose feels embarrassed and says "I am going to take a shower... "But as she was about to leave Charles pulls her back and placed her under his body and then kissed her forehead. He then says politely "you can come to my office if you feel bored here ...".

Rose nodes and says "okay..." Then she went to the bathroom. In the bathroom she think what she have seen yesterday and thinks it better that I don't go there...

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