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Charles then gave her a box and says "wear this now we are going for swimming then.."

Rose opens it and found a swimming suit inside.. she never wore this type of dress.. she think..

Charles then says "No one is here except for us... And if are too uncomfortable with it then you can wear whatever you want I don't mind it....". After saying that he leaves..

He sits on the sofa and started reading newspaper.. Rose appeared in front of him wearing the dress. He is so surprised seeing her... She actually wear the dress....

He then asks in a concern tone "Did you applied sunscreen

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He then asks in a concern tone "Did you applied sunscreen...?"

Rose says "no I didn't.."

He then pulls her and flipped her on the sofa and started applying it on her body

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He then pulls her and flipped her on the sofa and started applying it on her body. He then says " if you don't apply it you will get burned.".

Rose then says "why is it look like you are taking advantage of me when you are applying it

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Rose then says "why is it look like you are taking advantage of me when you are applying it.."

Charles then says huskily "Did you think I have to take advantage of my woman. I will do it honourably and righteously.."

Rose then says "okay stop now

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Rose then says "okay stop now.. let go and and swim..".

After that both of them swim in the sea for some hours.. He kissed her and hugged her in between..

Then Charles says in a concerned tone " we should go back now otherwise you will get leg cramps...".

After that they went back to the room and changed. Rose then says "I want to see sunset now.. let's go outside..".

Charles says okay.

Both of them went outside and enjoy the beautiful view of sunset together...

Rose then thinks he is behaving totally different now.... But before a day back in the company.... what's bothering you Charles..?  which side of yours is true Charles...?? I know we are just contract couple but I still want to spend these two years with you in a good way... Atleast I will think I have made some good memories out of bad.. Please for God sake don't go back to the way you used to be in the past....

Charles then hugs her from behind and ask "what wrong.. what are you thinking about..?

Rose then says "nothing ... Charles do you want to tell me something..." Maybe you want to tell it but is hesitating.. whatever you want to tell me just tell me directly okay...".

Charles then says "what do you mean now.. just say it simply.. I am not getting you..".

Rose than says "Let it go .. I just said things casually don't mind .."

Rose then thinks he still doesn't want to tell me.. may.. may be he needs more time.. or I am thinking something wrong.. I should leave somethings to the time.... But Charles don't take much time that you will regret it later.."

Rose then asks "How many days are we staying here?."

Charles says "didn't you say you want to spend the remaining week of our honeymoon here... ".

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