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She then wear the coat and says "Thank you."

Rose then sees around but he finds no one around. She ask curiously "Why there are no one here.." I have heard a lot of people came here just to see the northern lights."

Charles says arrogantly "I have booked the whole place for just two of us. No one will be here except us for the next two days.."

Rose is shocked and says "We are staying here for two days...? And you books the whole place just for two of us.."

Charles bends towards her ears and says in a husky voice " I don't want everyone to hear your moan when I am going to make love with you.. And for the next day I am sure you are not able to wake up from bed so we are going to stay here for two days.."

Rose is blushes and shocked after hearing what he says. She pushed him.a bit and says "What... What did you say.."

Charles says in a husky voice "What I am saying is I will make you mine today.."

Rose is lost in thought after hearing it. This is the first time she is hearing such words from a men. She is embarrassed so much and also in fear about what is he going to do next..She forget to enjoy the Northern lights and all she could now think of is what he told just now..

Charles when sees her lost in thought strokes her head and says "What are you thinking now.. Just see the northern lights and enjoy.."

Although she sees the northern lights but she forget to enjoy it. Charles found her a bit lost as she is not that excited the time she came here...

Charles then make her sit on the bed under the open sky which was arranged specially for them

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Charles then make her sit on the bed under the open sky which was arranged specially for them.

Rose is frightened and says in a broken sentence "What.. what are.. you doing.."?

Charles already understand she was frightened because of what he just says. So he calm herself down and says " Shh.. just lay down and watch the sky..."

After that he also lay down beside her and covers them with a blanket. Then he clapped. Within a few minutes the fireworks started.. It's look so beautiful that she forget about her fear and again started enjoying.

The fireworks are arranged by Charles. So it continues for some hours after that they both had their dinner outside in the open sky..

 So it continues for some hours after that they both had their dinner outside in the open sky

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With time it was already getting cold outside. Charles then says "Let's go inside now.. It's getting colder here.. I think there will be a snowfall tonight.."

Rose then pouted her lips and says innocently "I don't want to... Please let me stay here a bit more..."

Chalres then hugs her and says politely "you can enjoy it from inside too... See it's a glass igloo... It's really cold here and if you stay here longer you will really catch a cold..."

Rose agree and both of them went inside.. Inside the igloo the atmosphere is warm.

Charles then remove his jacket and put it on the table. He stands by the wall watching her...

Rose is drinking water from glass and when she find Chalres staring at her continuously she said shyly "stop staring me like that... ".

Chalres then chuckled and he started approaching towards her step by step.

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