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Lily came inside and ask grandma excitedly "Did you just call them ..?"

Grandma patted her head and says smilingly "i just called them. They have gone to watch northern lights..."

Lily says happily "That's good. I also called sis in the morning and they looked so happy together.."

Grandma then says seriously"Okay girl don't call them for a few days.. give them some time to spend together. The more they spent time together, the more stronger will be their relationship."

Lily says sincerely "I understand what you mean grandma..."

Grandpa says "Good girl.. we are really happy to have both of you as our granddaughter."

On the other end Rose ask Charles curiously "What did grandma tell you..?

Charles says her face and says teasingly "They want us give them great grandchild as soon as possible. What do you think about it ... shall we start now..?"

Rose then sits up and says seriously "I think we should stop the things here.. things are going too far. If we don't stop this now I am afraid it will..."

Charles also sits straight and says seriously "What are you taking about..? Say it clearly."

Rose then says in a serious tone "I want you to tell them the truth. It's normal for them to say such things, because they think we both love each other and we are husband and wife. But only both of us know the reality. So I think we should tell them about it as soon as possible before they build up more hopes..."

Charles is in a dazed to hear it and says "What did you just say.. don't ever think of telling them anything about our relationship. Just keep the things as they are .. don't think too much about it."

Rose then says "But what will you do after 2 years.? How are you going to explain them.
The more you delay it the more complicated it will become. Why don't you understand this..?

Charles then says "There is no need to bother yourself with it. I will handle it. You just enjoy your honeymoon. Leave the rest to me."

Charles thinks it's better to make her pregnant with my child. In this way she will never leave me.

Charles then holds her cheeks gently and says lovingly "It's already 6pm see outside the northern lights are already here.."

Rose then lift hear head to see the sky and it's really look so beautiful. There were bright dancing lights in the sky laid out in front her, like a precious painting. 

The beautiful hues painted the sky like rippling curtains of yellow and green and all colours in between, as if they were hiding something behind their magical presence.

The combination of the colours was so bold and exquisite that she couldn't help but stare at them. She had only ever seen photos of the northern lights and the real thing was incomparable to those images. Seeing this with her own eyes was something she never believed would happen.

Charles asked loving "how is it... do you like it..?"

Rose says "Its......"  Beautiful was an understatement. She had no words to explain it.

She was so mesmerized with the view that she doesn't know what to speak for a moment.

She then says "It's.... breathtaking...".

Rose then says "I want to go outside

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Rose then says "I want to go outside.."

Charles says okay "let's go. "

Rose leaves in a hurry and she was so excited that she forget to bring the coat.

She shivering outside because of the cold. Charles came from behind and put a coat around her and says "Wear it.. it's cold outside.. don't catch a cold .."

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