Chapter 55

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(Don't be surprised if I edit this later lol, I wrote this in the middle of the night so pls excuse any mistakes I'm relying on my keyboard for autocorrect mwah, also uh I have a question- out of all the characters Wolfie has a possible ending with (romantically) who are you most interested in? People Like the diamonds or spinel won't be getting a romantic ending since I don't see them that way but I haven't forgotten about them don't worry ;) )

The next day, Wolfie waved goodbye the Steven and the crystal gems, saying she'd be back later.
Despite it being her day off, she had chosen to spend it out in the woods. She was going back to see Jasper.

She didn't know how well her little plan of helping the gem would work, but she had decided to not only focus on her classes, but some stuff the others would teach as well. For example, Pearl's classes! She wanted to teach Jasper how to he more modern. She had found Steven's old phone that he didn't need anymore to show her, and some board games and articles written about recent human events.

She had even gone through the trouble to pack food for the gem to try. Not a full meal or anything, just a bunch of different snacks or the gem to try.

She smiles at the work she had put in as she walks through town, being caught by Peridot and Lapis on the way. Peridot waves happily, "Wolfie! Are you free today?" She grins and walks up to her friends. "Sorry Peri, I'm actually kinda busy.." She chuckles

Lapis raises an eyebrow, "With what?"
Wolfie was about to respond until she realises who she was talking to. She decided it was best to wait to tell Lapis about this idea of hers. Sure, Lapis had recovered and grown alot, but Jasper had still made a big impact on her. She wouldn't blame Lapis if she got mad about it. She smiles lightly, "I'm just going for a walk in the woods. I've been needing some me time lately I guess, things have been really busy." She sighs.

Peridot frowns, "well you better make time for us soon you clod! We haven't spent time together in exactly 9 days, 7 hours and 15 minutes!" She huffs.

Wolfie pauses before laughing, "Okay okay, we can hang out soon. Maybe we can all have a Movie night at the beach house or something." She hums in thought. Lapis smiles and nods, "Then it's settled. You own us that now, don't forget." She chuckles

Wolfie smiles and nods before waving to them, "I better get going then! See you later!" Without another word she runs off, seeing a few more gems on town such as Red pearl and Jade but giving nothing more than a wave and hello. She finally makes it to Jaspers clearing in the woods and calls out, "Jasper? Are you home?"

"Why are /you/ back?" Jasper huffs, climbing down from her giant stack of rocks that she used to train. "Our private classes remember? C'mere real quick!" Wolfie waves her over as she pulls something out of her bag. A blanket to lay across the stony terrain jasper had made.

Jasper growls and stomps over, "What is that? Why are you bringing human things into my area?!"

Wolfie smiles and pats the blanket that she was now kneeling on, "C'mon, sit. It's much comfier than the stones."

Jasper raises an eyebrow at her happy behaviour and begrudgingly takes a seat. She wouldn't admit it, but it was a BIT nicer. Wolfie opens the bag she carried here again and pulls out a chocolate bar. She takes off the wrapper and holds it out for jasper to hold, "Here, try it."

Jasper looks at the item in disgust, "What is /that/?"
"Food! It's what gives human's energy and makes them stronger, some food is better than this at that but..still. Try!"

"I'm not trying whatever this food stuff is." Jasper folds her arms. Wolfie sighs in frustration before coming up with an idea. She splits the bar in half, "I'll eat one half, you eat the other. Just copy me. It's kinda like proof that I'm not trying to kill you or something-"

Jasper looks at the chocolate she was holding out to her and groans, knowing that the persistent diamond would never leave her alone if she didn't try it. She snatches it from her hand and watches what the diamond does. Wolfie puts the chocolate in her mouth and starts chewing, causing Jasper to copy her actions.

Jaspers eyes go through a series of emotions, giving Wolfie hope, "So? Do you like it?"

Jasper is silent for a few seconds before she spits the chewed food onto the ground, "Disgusting! It all just turns to mush and sits in your mouth! It tastes good for a few seconds and then shifts into the worst thing ever!" She gags and growls at the diamond. Wolfie puts her hands up in defense, "You're supposed to swallow it Jasper!"

"I don't want that stuff in my body!" She scoffs. Wolfie sighs, "Noted, no food for Jasper.." She takes out a little book and writes it down. She had decided to take notes on this encounter so she could use them for the next time they met to see what she liked and build off that.

"Okay, what to try next.."

"Forget this, I'm done with your games Red Diamond." Jasper stands up and goes to walk away, "Wait! No, jasper there's so many more things to do! I wanna try meditation with you for your anger, and then we can go over human culture, and then the changes in the diamond authority!"

"I don't care about any of that stuff! If you wanna prove your worth my time, use that puny body of yours and fight me like a real diamond. Not that you are one, I mean, c'mon, made in a ruby kindergarten? That makes me laugh every time I hear it!"

Wolfie clenched her fists and sighs, "I'm not going to fall for your fighting bait jasper. Look, why don't we go into human technology?" Wolfie leans down and takes the old phone out of her bag. She hands it to Jasper, "This is an example of modern human tech! You can communicate with friends through social platforms and play games like the angry birds or the genshin impact!" She smiles

Jasper raises her eyebrow at the name and rolls her eyes, throwing the phone onto the ground quickly, "I. Don't. Care."

Wolfie looks to the phone and sighs, leaning to pick it up. She places it in the bag. Jasper smirks at the sight of her packing up, "Good, finally you got the message."

Though, Jasper couldn't be more wrong. Wolfie took the bag by the straps and swung it, bonking jasper on the head with it. Jasper is taken aback by the strong hit. Wolfie had managed to get quite the blow on Jasper thanks to being a diamond. "Listen here Jasper, I may have said that I don't want you to refer to me as your higher up, and that you don't need to see me as a big authority. What I DO expect is respect for me taking the time out of my day to help you get used to the way things have been for ages now! To help you stop being such a difficult person and comes to terms with how things are, but all you've done is be disrespectful. I may not seem like a real diamond bit I will show you that I am if that's what it takes to get you to stop being this way." She glares at the horned gem.

Jasper is taken by surprise by the sudden shift in attitude. She found this side of the diamond much more interesting than the happy go lucky one. She stands up straight and looks down at the diamond, still in thought. Wolfie sighs and puts her bag over her shoulders, "I'll be back another day, see you soon Jasper. I expect a better attitude towards learning next time."

"As if." Jasper scoffs

Wolfie smiles lightly, "Jeez, you really are annoying you know that?" She chuckles, "Have a good day Jasper."

"Wait, don't leave behind your human blanket thing! I don't want that in my space!" Jasper huffs, Wolfie raises an eyebrow, "Nah, it's yours now. It gets pretty cold, don't you think?"

And with that, Wolfie had walked off into the woods. She thought to herself, perhaps she would spend the rest of the day with Peridot and Lapis.

Jasper however, as left in confusion at the diamonds behaviour and intentions. She picked up the soft blanket from the ground before scoffing and throwing it onto her pile of rocks.

Hey, it was one step up from throwing it away, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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