Chapter 51

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The two unfused quickly, Peridot running to hug Wolfie, "You're back!"

"Green bean really missed me that much?" She boops her nose, laughing before looking up at the group, "Let's get right back to work shall-" her eyes avert over to spinel, her brows furrowing quickly, "-we?"

Steven places a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry Wolfie, spinel can't remember a thing. She won't pull anything."

"I know." She huffs, "Let's just figure out something for Pearl and garnet."

Steven raises an eyebrow, "You seem pretty..stressed. Do you need to sit down?" She shakes her head, "of course not. It's just..her." she points to spinel, who was running on the spot happily, her shoes squeaking loudly.

"I get it. You're annoyed because of what she did to our friends and the earth. But don't worry, Bismuth convinced me in the form of a song that we'll figure it out." He smiles

"...yeah..that's it. You always read me easily Steven." She smiles nervously. Peridot, having known her for so long, could see a lie when it was there. She left it for now.

Wolfie sits down as Steven and Greg begin to talk about the show that was supposed to occur later that night and how they could maybe use it to help Pearl rediscover her rebellious spirit. Spinel squeaks her way over to Wolfie, plopping down next to her with a grin on her face. She just..stared at her. Wolfie glances over at her, "What are you looking at?" She huffs
"I'm looking at someone with a serious case of the grumps! Let me help you recover!" She smiles brightly
"Ugh, pass." She folds her arms. Spinel's smile drops "Why don't you ever play with us?"
Wolfie jolts, "W-What did you just say to me?" She stands up.
"I said why don't you wanna play with me?" She pouts.
"O-Oh.. yeah, yeah of course you did." She shakes her self, huffing before leaving the spinel's side.

Later on that evening, the group brought Pearl to the concert. Spinel and Garnet seemed to he having the most fun if you didn't count Amethyst on the drums. Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth had all left to go keep an eye on the Injector. Wolfie stood next to Steven, "Pearl isn't reacting..maybe we should try the ruins?"
"No no! This is gonna work! It has to." He frowns. She places an hand on his shoulder, "Steven, don't worry so much..we'll get them back. You said it your-"
"I have to go talk to amethyst. We need to take desparete measures." He pulls away from her hold on his shoulder, walking off the the stage. She lets her hand drop, "self." She sighs.

She stays alone for a bit until she saw the light from amethyst shapeshifting coming from the stage. She gasps quietly, " why would they.." She stares up at Amethyst in the Image of Rose. Seeing Rose always made her think of those years and years of grieving, but if this is what helps, she could deal with it.

It sadly didn't push Pearl over the edge to come back, but what Steven and Greg did next did. They fused. Wolfie would admit it, she didn't expect that at all. She stayed on the ground when he started lifting everyone up, preferring not to be floating around in the sky when they had stuff to be doing.

She soon hears a familiar squeaky set of shoes, running. She looks over her shoulder, seeing Spinel running out the back after Steven and Greg unfuse.

Wolfie huffs, "Great. /Great./"

She runs out the door behind her, trying to keep track of her as she ran. She followed her all the way to the main warp. Spinel kneeled down on the warp, little sobs came from her. Wolfie leans against the doorway, sighing heavily before walking in, "What's wrong squeaky?"

She received nothing but sobs and sniffles in response. She didn't want to feel bad for her. She held such a grudge against Spinel for years and years. All because she was jealous.

She groans in annoyance, going over to kneel next to her, "Spinel, breathe."

Spinel had always received such love and attention from Pink. Pink played with Spinel, forgetting all the plans she made with Wolfie. Forgetting to include her half the time. Pink wasn't good at coming up with games. So Wolfie sat at the edge of the garden, picking flowers and forming them into gifts for Pink. Watching the Person who meant the most to her give all their love and attention to someone else. It was selfish, but she wanted Spinel to be less fun. She wanted pink to become bored of Spinel. She wanted Pink's attention, no matter how selfish it was of her. She never said how she felt though and maybe that was her downfall in that situation. Maybe they could have played together. But she still would've been selfish.

Spinel sobs, looking up at her as blobby tears pour down her cheeks. "Spinel..I-"

"Spinel!" Steven walks in, looking weak, "Wolfie?" He glances at her before looking back to Spinel, "What happened?"

That slight action just made Wolfie feel bad again. She felt selfish for hating that. Steven didn't even notice her leave? Or maybe it was just her imagination.

"I-I just started getting all these feelings coming back to me!" She cries, Steven walks closer, "That's a good thing! Spinel, do you..remember the garden?"

Spinel twitches, smiling before dropping back into sadness, "NO!" She shouts, warping the three away.

-skip to after drift away-

Wolfie had stayed sat at the warp during Spinel's song. Steven was good at this stuff, she knew that. She wanted to help, She really did. She just wasn't able to feel right about it.

Steven soon comes over to the warp, hand in hand with Spinel. Wolfie stands up, ready to leave. She looks at Spinel as she walks onto to the warp. Her gaze wasn't really a glare, but it was cold. It made Spinel feel even more nervous for the others reactions, "Hiya Red.." She smiles nervously.

Wolfie pauses, finding it odd to be called by her normal name by such a playful gem. She averts her eyes, sighing. Spinel fidgets with her glove as they get back to the house, still keeping a small smile on her face.

Steven walks ahead, leaving Wolfie and Spinel in the room alone for a second, "It's nice to see you again.." Spinel attempts to be polite. Wolfie walks after Steven, "You saw me earlier." She says, leaving the room. Spinel sighs, "okay, I guess I deserve that..?" She walks out, heading down to Steven, nervous to see the other gems reactions.

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