Chapter 39

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"You...Don't remember? White diamond shattered you after you tried to fuse with Wolfie."

"But..How am I here? This doesn't make any sense.."

I sigh and grab her hand, sitting her down on the edge of the fountain. I explain everything that has happened slowly to her so she could take it all in. She sighs and rubs her head in frustration, "I can't believe this...all those years are just gone..How are Peridot and Jade? Are they still together and forming Black Onyx? What about Lilac Sapphire and Ruby? Have they sorted out there issues?"

"Uhm..I don't even know who Black Onyx is...and they still argue a lot? Why?"

"I just...They're my friends! I've missed so much.."

"Come back with me then and you can see them all! I need to go back anyway...the sun is rising.."


She looks up to the sky and gasps, "Diamond attack! I never thought I'd have to-"

"It's okay! That's just the're on earth. It's normal."

I grab her hand again and guide her to the warp, "It'll all be okay! So what do you say? Will you come with me?"


I smile and pull her onto the warp. We warp back and by coincidence, everyone was in the kitchen, trying to get Wolfie's gems to try food. Wolfie holds a donut infront of Lilac Sapphire, "C'mooooon! You can"

Her head had turned over to us, eyes widened as she turns Lilac around to look at Moonstone. Lilac moves her hair from her face, "How did I not see this...H-How..?"


I'm very sorry for the short chapter but here's something extra!

Lilac Sapphire has always looked down on people. Her Ruby and her pearl both came out wrong, making her see herself better. She only really respects her own diamond.

That was until she predicted the creation of Moonstone. She had assumed this gem would be given one of two fates, Shattered or Given to Red.

Moonstone met the latter and became clingy to their diamond, along with Lilac. She was always disturbed by moonstone at first until Moonstone had gotten her out of trouble for getting Red's gem cracked in a unaccurate prediction.

She had simply predicted that if Red took her new ship on a test flight without permission, she would be fine. She was wrong though, and they crashed. Her gem had a bad crack but was quickly fixed. Lilac was blamed and destined to be shattered until Moonstone took the blame, saying she had crashed the ship. She was bubbled for two months because Blue didn't want to shatter the present she gave to Red. She was lucky and when she had come out of her bubble, Lilac allowed herself to become close to her and Moonstone even helped her tolerate Ruby more.

She was devastated on the day of her Shattering.

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