Chapter 45

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The crystal gems look above seeing the light die down. They could not see a single gem. The machine couldn't have killed them both, Could it have? Little sparkles of light fall to the group like glitter and a groan is heard from high above.

Slowly, a tall figure stands up, slightly slouched. They seem to look at their surrounding area before rubbing their eyes and hugging their own body. Pearl lowers her spear, "is...that..?"

A laugh comes from the figure, "S-Steven! You're so stupid! Good stupid!" The laugh sound startled and confused, but happy. The figure hops down from its high point, landing unsteadily. Their- now easily to tell as his, Magenta and Black hair was easy to see. The four mismatched eyes and the mixed up clothes were also making it obvious.

Rose Diamond had arrived just in time to save the day. The fusion had a look of nerves and guilt in his face. Amethyst gasps, "How did you-"

"I guess the whole double diamond thing deflected the attack..heh. My attack wasn't that hard to deactivate after all..."

Pearl sighs, "Wolfie- Steven-..Rose.." she sighs, "I don't know how to-"

"I'll make it easier.." He unfuses into the two smaller gems, Steven was holding onto Wolfie's arm and she looked at the ground guiltly.

Pearl huffs, "what were you thinking?! You outgrew this "I'm gonna kill Steven outlook" ages ago! "

"I know..and I know I..I messed up big time. I'll go back to homeworld. I doubt it's even safe to have me here."

"Why did you even do it?!"

Wolfie freezes, "Well Uhm..I.." she looks down at Steven and he sighs, "It was my fault."

Amethyst looks at him, "Huh? What did you do?"

"I kept a..a really personal secret from Wolfie that she deserved to know! It broke her heart to know so abruptly and..and it kinda sent her over to edge. So please don't make her go back to homeworld! She won't do it again!"

Pearl raises an eyebrow and looks at garent who chuckles, "This reminds me of when we first kept her." She smiles.

Wolfie smiles and sighs, "I know..I know you can't trust me yet but I just..I just wanna apologise."

Pearl sighs and looks down, "....alright okay," she smiles softly, "you can stay."

Wolfie smiles happily and hugs pearl, "Thank you!! I'm so sorry..I promise I'll never hurt you guys again!"

They start to head away from the rubble and amethyst looks up, "So what even got you so worked up in the first place?"

Wolfie hums, thinking, " Well actually-" she looks down at Steven, "..y'know what?" She giggles as steven looks confused, "I don't remember."
Here's a conclusion to Wolfie's villain arc! It's short cause I kinda stopped enjoying writing the arc cause it was rushed. But now I get to write the movie hehe.

I did enjoy the final line though where she chose not to snitch in Steven. She didn't wanna break the other gems hearts and have Steven get blame. She's kinda realised the Steven /is/ better than pink. And next chapter will probably be time skip! Btw I don't really wanna see any comments like "why would they forgive her so quick?" Cause spinel came into their home after injecting the earth with anti-human spray (kills 99% of humans on earth) and they held up their weapons for ten seconds cause she was holding hands with Steven. So I feel like it's okay that I did that. They still might not trust her fully but we're doing the timeskip next so that'll probably change over two years hehe.

I hope you enjoyed this arc even if I didn't! Lol ♡

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