Chapter 44

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"T-Then why aren't you attacking? H-heh.." rainbow puts a hand over Pink's gem defensively.

"I won't be needed to. You see this device behind me?" I point to the rather large device, "It is going to explode in a few hours. And when it does it will shatter or corrupt ONE diamond, no one else. And that diamond will be Pink." I glare lightly trying to snap myself out of the mood I was in before.

Lapis was taken aback, "What?! Wolfie you can't just do that! This is too far! Think this through!"

"I have. Many times. I've spent hours upon hours contemplating this. You can't stop me. But for now, I don't need you here. Go report back to your crystal gems. They aren't in danger anyway." I raise my hand, a ball of energy in it as a warning for them to leave. They look to eachother before quickly flying off. I sigh and put down my hand, sitting down and resting my head in my hands. " I'm doing the right thing...she deserves this.."

" know you don't want to do this right? This isn't what you want to be a crystal gem more that anything. You know it.." Pink's voice comes from behind me. I quickly raise my arm and swipe a blast in the direction I heard her, "GO AWAY!"

Except no one was even there. Pink wasn't here talking just now.

"I'm going insane.." I sit back down slowly.

-Steven's P.O.V-
-An Hour Later-

Everyone was shocked that we has found her so quickly, but they were more worried about the attack that was going to kill me in a few hours.

"I'm guessing were going to have to fight Wolfie right? We've fought of two diamonds at once before! So we can handle it!" Amethyst grins.

Peridot sighs lightly, "Wolfie may have similar powers to the diamonds but she was made in a ruby kindergarten. Just like..some rubies," she looks to Garnet, "She doesn't have a full control over her own powers. But that's mostly when she feels a strong emotion. She'll most likely be angry and that isn't good for us."

I sigh lightly, "She didn't seem that angry. She seemed honestly a bit..upset?

Pearl sighs lightly, "I don't understand this. She used to be this..follower. she went with the crowd except when she felt strongly about something! Something..something had to have happened that made her feel strongly hurt..Steven..what made her lash out at you? What happened?"

I freeze, "I..don't know." I look away. Pearl sighs, "It couldn't have just come from no where Steven-"

"Well it must've..let's just..get ready to stop her. We can warp there and..And I guess we'll have to poof her."

--A time skip. It's finally time that they stop her out burst. Steven is the key to fixing this. Or maybe it's parr of Steven that's the key to fixing this. A part that should've dissapeared a long time ago--

We're all ready, warping to her tower. The device from earlier was glowing brightly. This could either be the day I die or the day we finally let Wolfie make peace with what happened between her and mom.

"You all..stay on guard. I'll talk to her." I run ahead, using my floating power to jump up to the top of her tower. She was sitting with her legs crossed, right in front of the device she had made. "Wolfie..Can we please talk?"


"I want to help you. You have to let me help you!"

"You said she was gone. You're a filthy liar /just/ like her. You're going to hurt me just like she did. You're going to let me take the blame for all your doing-"

"That's what she did to me! You know that! Wolfie, I know /exactly/ how you feel! But the truth is, she made us all suffer for her mistakes!"

My gem glows a bit as I step toward her. The device starts to open, letting off a strange energy.

"Nothing she did is your fault! Nothing she did is any of their faults! You're painting /yourself/ as the villain! As much as I wish I could say it was her fault, it isn't! You're doing this to yourself!"

She stands up, facing me. She looked glitchy, just like when amethyst got her gem cracked. That's what makes me notice that her gem is cracked.

"What do you know!? You're just some- some dumb kid! It is her fault! It is it is it is!!"

My gem glows more as I walk to her, standing in front of her now as the device preps itself.

"Please Wolfie..She hurt us all..but you have to take the blame for this. What she did in the past isn't your fault. It isn't their fault. It isn't homeworlds fault. It isn' isn' isn't my fault."

I pause as I feel my clean glow brightly, almost as if it cleaned itself. The shine on it was brighter now and I felt a certain weight come off my shoulders.

Wolfie looks down at me, teary eyed, "I don't wanna be a deserves this. You d-don't.."

"No Wolfie.."


"No one deserves this.." I take her hand. (Not in like, a romantic way but a comforting way. I ain't gonna shame anyone who ships stuff like that but idk-)

"Who are you kidding?" She sniffles, "I do.."

"No! We can fix this..I promise this can all be fixed if you try." I smile up at her and she grips my hand, "Really?"


The machine starts a count down causing her to sharply turn and look at it, "Steven, go, now!"

"W-What? No! This'll kill you!"

"You don't deserve to die st-"

I pull her down into a hug, "You don't deserve to die Wolfie!"

A blast of light consumes us and the machine goes off.


It's been awhile since I've posted! I'm sorry if there's any plot holes. I'm a bit rusty with writing. I still hope this is enjoyable. I wrote the first half of the chapter ages ago lol.

I'll give a small rundown on things if they were hard to understand.

>Steven will post likely never tell the gems what happened with pink coming back
>pink is actually gone now. When Steven realised just then that it was no one's fault for what pink did, the weight on his shoulders that WAS her was lifted. She was supposed to represent a trouble plaguing him and a constant doubt in himself.

That's all I'll really give a rundown on but you can ask questions if you'd like. If I don't have answers it probably means I made a plot hole lmao. Hope you enjoyed! I'll try post again soon <3

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