◇Chapter 24◇

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◇Steven's P.O.V☆

I sat in mom's room, looking at the pebbles curiously, they seemed to cling to me, which made me smile.

Pearl soon comes into the room, hugging me tightly and handing me my duffel bag. She explains the situation and suddenly a diamond sign appears on the wall.

"Hmm..looks like one of the diamonds has sent their Pearl to come get you."

Pearl sighs and opens the door, only to be jumped on and hugged.


A Red Pearl smiles happily and I can only assume she meant Pink pearl by that statement.

Pearl seems shocked at first but hugs her tightly.

"Red! I've missed you!"

Suddenly, Red Pearl hits Pearl on the side of the head.

"Why did you have to leave?!"

"Sorry! Sorry... I was just...doing some other things."

She sighs,

"You'll explain later, Okay?"

Pearl nods and smiles. Red Pearl looks over at me,

"Uhhh....Pink Diamond??"

"Ugh. Noooo! Steven!"

She chuckles.

"That's a silly name! Why would you want to be called that Punk Diamond??"

I sigh and shake my head until I hear a loud,

"AHEM. Pink diamond, My Diamond has requested your presence in the extraction room. Red Pearl, I advise you go stay with your diamond."

"C'mon Yellow, I was just saying hi to-"

"No Red. I mean it, You /really/ should go see her...she looks a bit...Pale."

Red Pearl gasps and nods, running off into the long hallways that looked easy to get lost in.

Yellow Pearl leads us to Yellow but we don't really have the conversation I wanted ad she had to leave.

♧Red Pearl's P.O.V♧

"My Diamond...Are you okay?"

I knocked on her door, cautiously.

"Why I'm fine My Pearl, do come in."

I shake slightly and push the door open. My eyes widen in horror. She turns her neck all the way around to look at me a shows me an eerie smile. I bite my lip and go to stand by her side. The others looked at her as well, clearly shaken.

◇Steven's P.O.V☆

After a nice talk with blue, Pearl brings me back to my room and I explore a bit while she leaves. She soon comes back with all the others and I give them a quick tight hug each. Connie seems the most relieved to see me though.

Soon, we're thinking of plans and I explain to them my plan of having a ball.

It's agreed and I'm gonna make it happen!

•••Loading your time skip•••load complete!•••

I sit in the ballroom, explaining to the diamonds that a ball to start a new era would impress white and then o could talk to her there. They agree, causing me to cheer. They leave whole their and Red's pearl stay.

Everything we suggest is "against the rules"

"I like Pink diamonds idea's! New music would be nice for a change! Anything in mind Pink Diamond?"

I smile at Red and yellow sighs,

"Don't encourage her."

I chuckle and grab my ukulele out of my bag.

"Wellll, I made this on earth with our friend Peridot soooo I could give it a shot! But try sing along or make up some words!"

(Steven Red pearl)

"Life and death and love and birth and peace and war on the planet earth~"

(Steven hands red a lyric sheet to which she hesitantly takes. She doesn't seem to want to sing)

"Is there anything that's worth more than peace and love of the planet earth?"

"Come on and sing it with me!"

"The words relate to the key"

"If it's a pattern! If it's a-

"Stop Stop Stop! There is no way that would be allowed!"

Yellow Pearl interrupts them, agitated.

"Well...I don't think this'll be very fun.."

"What is fuuunnn?"

"Oh um...it's something you do just cause it feels nice?"

Yellow and Blue Pearl look at eachother, in confusion. I was about to explain further when a shrill voice chimes in.

"S-sorry I'm late!"

(Traced from the episode the trial)

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(Traced from the episode the trial)

She falls onto the floor and fails in her attempt to push herself up. I pull her up and she keeps her eyes closed.

"Thank you..."

"Hey..You can open up now??"

"I'm not allowed to by my Sapphire."

Red Pearl sighs and shakes her head, grabbing the other pearl and guiding her.

"Anyway, as I was gonna say, do you like to do anything?"

Yellow smirks and laughs.

"Ha! I don't do anything because it feels "nice"! My feelings are irrelevant."

"I like to draw...My Diamond lets me draw during court proceedings."

She shows her drawings but they are quickly grabbed.

"Give me that! These are extremely confidential! Huh? Oooh! Here, try this angle~"

She poses and I laugh,

"There! You like to model! And you like to draw!"

Yellow Pearl laughs happily as Blue draws her. I turn to Red and Violet. Red is sewing up a hole on the end of violets skirt.

"How do you always ripe this? Not that I mind I guess.."

"You like to sew! And Violet..hmm..anything?"

"Well...I like to Dance? I guess...I don't know really...sorry."

"That's okay! You can like more that one thing!"

She smiles lightly and all the Pearls are giggling until Blue enters the room.

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