Chapter 47

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A giant machine plants itself into the ground. Wolfie recognizes this as an injector. Old fashioned gem tech that would be used a planet killer to be rid of failed colony's.

A cackle comes from the top, "Well well well, let me get a look a the menagerie!" (can't spell. Also I'm not gonna check the script so this might change xjebdj)

"You must be Garnet! And you must be ameythyst. And pink diamonds pearl...she took YOU with her. Isn't that just..swell?!" She pauses for a moment, "and red diamond? You went with her too?? I should've known that you couldn't just forgot."

Steven glances at the gems before looking at spinel. "Hey! I don't know if you've heard but I've established peace across the whole universe!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard! I've had your little message to the universe, on loop!" she kicks Steven in the stomach with her stretchy limbs.

"Steven!" Wolfie goes to catch him but it only knocked back with him. She stands up and helps him. "How can she be here..." 

"You know her??" Steven questions. "No time to explain. We have to make her get rid of the injector."

"Ohohoho! So that's fair? That pink diamond gets to spend her life in peace on this..NOWHERE planet! With a bunch of nobody's!" She cackles.

Wolfie sighs, "Here we go-"

One amazing bop later

Steven had just watched his friends be sliced in half, and then had to slice another gem in half.

Yaaayy trauma.

He goes to bubble spinel, but the action is pointless as the bubble pops everytime it forms. "What? Why can't I..this can't be good." He picks up the six gems and heads inside, laying them out on the table. He sits down and thinks for a bit before. Greg bursts into the house, worried for his son.

"Steven! I came as quickly as I could! What happened?!"

Steven sighs and looks down at the gems, "I..don't know. This gem showed up and poofed everyone. Then I had to poof her. Now my bubbles aren't working.."

"Well..the gems will know how to fix this! They'll be back any minute now, like always."

Just as greg says that, pearls gem rises up into the air, "Please state your name."

"Um..greg universe?"

"Hello um Greg universe! Please state your preferred customization options."

Pearl received no response, so her form quickly came to be. Steven stands up and goes to her, "Pearl! You're okay!" He smiles, only to be ignored. She walks to greg and kneels, "How do you do? My um Greg universe. Thank you for bringing me into the world. I am at your enternal service. Welcome to your new pearl!"

She smiles happily. Steven and greg immeadiatly freak out, but soon stop when ruby forms. "Ruby! Are you okay?"

"You're not my assignment.." she huffs and looks around. Greg looks around panicked, "I could really use an explanation here."

"Allow me to illuminate! A ruby guard! But just a single one..They tend to come in groups of three, or more."

Sapphire forms shortly after, "A precious sapphire! She sees the future, that's who the rubys for!

Steven And Greg look to eachother as Ruby swears her loyalty to sapphire. Another gem starts to glow, Wolfie's.

"Wolfie! Come on please..tell me you remember everything!"

She opens her eyes, "are you my assignment?" She smiles. (I only have one picture of what she looks like right now- I'll make more soon)

 (I only have one picture of what she looks like right now- I'll make more soon)

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"W-what no! Your..your assignment??"

"Oh I see! Let me explain!" Pearl smiles
"A ruby guard! This time, a defect one! Her form's too shaped and her hue's, all wrong. You are her new assignment, you're who she was made for." She smiles.

Steven pauses, "What?!" She goes to his side and smiles, "I will not disappoint you, My diamond."

"No no! You don't have to-"

Another gem forms, ameythyst.
(I'm going to skip the rest of the song now that it's all the same)

After the song, spinel giggles and messes around with Steven. Wolfie senses Steven's uncomfort. "Shall I take care of her my diamond?"

"What? No!!" He sighs, "Spinel, come with me." She giggles and nods, walking outside. Wolfie frowns, "oh..I apologise for the misunderstanding my diamond-" she says as she goes after him, "I thought that she was causing you trouble. I am here to protect you. That is my purpose after all. Unless you have a different purpose for me!"

"No don't have to serve me!"

"...that is not an assignment my diamond! I shall walk ahead to keep you safe!" She smiles and goes ahead. Steven groans.

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