Chapter 52

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After a rocky introduction with Connie bursting in ready to fight, Spinel was ready to fix what she had done. The group heads outside together, Spinel retracting the injector with her make shift horn.

Steven sighs in relief, thanking her before heading back to everyone else. Spinel's smile drops as his attention is quickly lost, " What about me..?"

Steven perks up and looks at her, " we can all just forget about this!"

"Was that all you needed me for..?"

"Well, yes! I mean- no that's not what I meant-" he waves his hands dismissively after what he had just said. Spinel breathes heavily in panick, "What are you gonna do with me?? Are you gonna leave me alone?!" She shakes a bit as those words leave her.

Wolfie furrows her eyebrows, feeling the sudden aggression rise again. She knew it couldn't be over, "Spinel. Calm down."

"Calm down?? How can I?!" Her arm swings dramatically, knocking Steven a bit. This makes the rejuvinator fall out of his pocket.

Spinel pauses, looking down at the item on the ground, "Why did you have that..?

Steven's face looks panicked, "I just..didn't have anywhere to keep it!" Spinel shakes her head and laughs, "We can all just forget about this..? You mean, /I/ can forget all about this!" She growls

Steven looks at her nervously, seeing her snap once again. He knew that there was no convincing her to calm down right now. She went straight into attack mode, angry and afraid.

Wolfie rubs her hands together, "I'll take care of her Steven. You bring Garnet somewhere safe." She smiles at him, "Make sure you don't get hurt."

Steven shakes his head, "We're going to get through to her. Together." Wolfie pauses at his response before sighing, "Of course we are." She chuckles and looks foward to Spinel, ready to defend.

Spinel soon tool her chance to target Garnet, wrapping her up in her practically elastic arms. She chuckles, grinning widely, " You know..I'm kinda flattered you like the old me! Innocent, loving..stupid." She scowls, "If that's your thing, why don't you leave her like this?" She chuckles.

Wolfie scoffs, "Let her go spinel. You know what you're doing is wrong. Have some self-control.."

Steven raises the rejuvinator cautiously, making Spinel laugh, "Oh you're so protective of your real friends! And yet so careless with your fake ones!" Steven shouts out after her, "Stop it!"

"Then stop me! Admit it, you wanna attack me! Or better yet, Just do it!"


Wolfie looks over to Steven, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Spinel yells, "Why not?!"

"Because that's not the truth!" He shouts, snapping the rejuvinator in two with one strike to his knee.

Garnet's eyes focus on him for a second, her mind completely set on his words. "The truth.."

<we're going to do a small skip to after spinel gets on top of the injector since the fight barely changes>

Steven looks the group, "You all get the town's people to safety, I'll go up and talk to Spinel."

A hand is put on his shoulder, Wolfie looking up at the height on the injector before looking back to him, "Not alone you're not. I may not like Spinel, but she needs help. So do you. Let's go up there together and fix this." She smiles, a determined look on her face. He nods and goes to the injector with her, both starting to climb up. Wolfie was having an easier time, but she stayed under Steven so that if he fell she could catch him.

The two got the top slowly but surely. Steven looks over the top and sees spinel, climbing up to talk to her. Wolfie stays at the edge, not wanting to ruin it for Steven if he was able to fix it. She soon saw that her desicion was a bad one when Steven was near rocketed off the edge. "Steven!" She runs foward, quickly being stopped by Spinel's elastic arms. She was bound by them, so all she could do was watch as she threatened Steven with his own life. Something seemed to spark in him during this, something good. A pink glow comes from him and he escapes Spinel's grasp, confusing her enough to make her drop Wolfie as well.

Wolfie drops to the cold glass of the injector as the two fight. She sighs and quickly gets up, going to intercept.
(Here's where things change quite a bit-)

"Spinel! Stop it! I know your angry but you can't take out your anger on innocent people anymore! Trust me! I did the same thing and it made me feel so much worse! You need to let go of what Pink did and focus on what Steven is trying to do!"

Steven nods, "We can help you! You can make a change! You just have to take that first step!" He smiles, the exhaustion from earlier fading.

Spinel looks between the two, conflicted, "Why..?? Why are you being so nice to me? I just..HURT You! And your friends! Your home even! And you're so forgiving for no reason! I don't get it!"

Wolfie walks up to her cautiously, "No one does Spinel."
Spinel glares at her, "What's even with you?! You hated me this whole time and suddenly it's sunshine rainbows??"

"Yeah, I did hate you. But only because of how much Pink loved you. She forgot about me alot whenever you were around..she liked to play with you while I sat and waited on the warp pad. I didn't say much but..I hated you for it. I'll let go of it though, because it's in the past. I wanna help you..and we can work through the tough feelings foward pink together." Wolfie smiles weakly.

Spinel tears up, "I..I had no idea. I never-"

"It's okay...say, how about we just be friends now?" She reaches out a hand.


Hey! Sorry if this is a bit all over the place it was written in pieces- I've been kinda busy but I wanted to get this chapter out just so you guys know the book isn't dead- I'll try work on the next chapter soon! Thanks for continuing to read the book :)

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