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Brooklyn awoke in his bed close to sunrise. He groaned. "Where... where am I?" he asked.

Angela perked up. Bronx licked his good hand.

"Brooklyn?" Angela asked.

He looked to his left and saw the purple female. His vision focused on her. "An... gel... la..."

"Yes, I'm here." she replied. "You're home."

"What happened?" he asked as his voice started to focus more.

"You fainted after we rescued you from my mother and her henchmen." Angela explained.

"Oh... it wasn't a dream." He held his head in shame.


Brooklyn let loose a sob. "I can't! I can't talk about it!"

"I'm the only one in here right now, Brooklyn. What happened?" she asked.

"Her, and Sevarius... hurt me!" Brooklyn exclaimed. His eyes were wide open in fear.

"Your arm? Or more?" she asked.

"My arm is nothing compared to what they did to me!" he exclaimed as he pushed himself up.

"Just take it slow. Maybe you should wait until tomorrow night to tell us." Angela insisted. "It's nearly time to sleep now."

"Good." he replied.

Not long after, they were stone. The clan had called the Mutates and told them that Brooklyn had been found.

The next night, the clan was glad Brooklyn was finally awake.

He was reluctant to reveal what Demona had done to him on that part.

"You look so thin, more than before you were kidnapped. Did they feed you?" Goliath asked.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't eat for them. I would die before I ate their cursed food. I did it to myself. But they forced a tube down my throat and forced fed me many times." Brooklyn explained.

"Would you be willing to eat if I made something for you?" Broadway asked. "You need to get your strength back after all."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." Brooklyn replied.

At his words, his stomach rumbled loudly. Everyone had a laugh. Brooklyn blushed, rubbing it. Now that he was home, he was willing to eat again.

He really didn't want the others to know about the rapes. He could go to his grave about that without his clan finding out about it.

When Broadway made dinner later, they all watched to see how the red one ate, to make sure he ate. Brooklyn was glad to finally eat voluntarily. He ate most of the food on the table, he was so famished. He ate slowly too of course, to not get sick.

After that, he went on a walk around the castle. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to try to make sense of what had happened to him. Why did Demona have to rape him? He hadn't deserved that. But a part of his innocence was gone now that he would never be able to get back.

Bronx soon caught up with him. He was seated at the table outside.

"Hi, boy." Brooklyn greeted.

Bronx whined to get his attention.

"I'm just thinking, boy, about what happened to me. I'm glad I'm home now, but the damage has been done to me. I don't know if I'll ever be the... same again..." he trailed off as he began to cry. He tried to wipe the tears away, but they kept on coming. He had to let the grief go before it really damaged him. He would feel even more humiliated if he broke down in front of the clan, other than Bronx. The gar-dog could keep secrets.

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