The Birth

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Waiting the next three days was rather nerve wracking. Brooklyn was so miserable. He wanted out of his bed already.

Dr. Paula was staying at the castle per orders of her boss. The Xanatos' had no problem with her being there. She was the one that was closest to Brooklyn right now, due to concern. He was her patient. She talked to him to keep him calm and everything. She tried to get to know him better.

She found he loved rock concerts, motorcycles, and making sure the citizens of New York were safe. He liked leather clothing too. He liked to read as well. He liked most of the foods he was offered, all but pizza. He knew how to plan and strategize sometimes too. Things that could make him a great leader one day. Of course, he had already experienced it, but if Goliath was gone, he would have to step up again.

Paula was found to love animals, why she worked with them. She wasn't much of a girly girl, but did like parties. She loved her family and friends. She liked going out when she could. She was very knowledgeable in the field of medicine too. At least she wasn't like Dr. Sevarius, who lived to do nothing but harm other living beings.

Brooklyn found her fun to talk to. His clan could barely tolerate him at this point. They were just tired of all the moaning and complaining. They were ready for it to end too, just as he was, but they were ready for him to be out of bed again and to meet the twins.

"Would you be able to deliver the twins if there was an emergency?" Brooklyn asked her.

"I could, but it would be better if my boss was here to help." Paula replied. "He's more advanced in this field of work. Just a couple more days. You can do it. I have faith in you. Just tell me if there's anything you need or want." Paula tried to comfort him.

Brooklyn nodded.

The next two nights seemed to take forever for the red male. The twins were just making him more miserable every moment. He tried his best, but his complaining was becoming outrageous. His back was bothering him the most, other than painful kicking and shifting inside him to where he was having problems breathing. They kicked at his diaphragm too much.

The night before the surgery, Dr. Paula said it was best that Brooklyn didn't eat anything prior to surgery tomorrow night. His stomach needed to be completely empty, so he would have to be on a liquid diet for one night.

"I can barely eat as it is. But is there anything I should know before the surgery?" Brooklyn asked her.

"We usually put animal patients to sleep for their surgeries, but there might be a possibility that you could be left awake for it. If you're willing to have an epidural, that is." Paula explained.

"What's that?" he asked.

"You would have to have an injection directly into your spinal area to numb your lower body. If you don't, we would have to put you to sleep and that's not good for the babies. We would have to do a surgery super fast to get them out of you. Having you awake means you would get to see them sooner." she explained.

Brooklyn didn't like the idea of a spinal injection, but if he could remain awake during the surgery, it would be better for the health of his twins.

"Alright. I'll have the epidural." he said reluctantly.

"Following surgery, we'll give you plenty of painkillers." Paula said.

"It's alright. My stone sleep will take care of my recovery completely. It's only for one night. I'm ready, if a little nervous."

"It's alright to be nervous." she stated.

"I'm excited too."

"Are you truly ready to meet your little ones?"

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