Chapter 16

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After two years of trying to get the twins, Demona found that she was getting nowhere in getting her children, and she was getting tired of fighting with the clan. She would always hate humans yes, but she really wanted change in her life. She wanted to be the mother that she wanted to be, but first, she would have to convince especially Goliath, but more importantly, Brooklyn to let her see them. The clan had been superb in keeping their guard up so that they weren't kidnapped by Demona ever since their birth.

She went to the castle one night. Desdemona was on the edge of the castle tonight and saw her old rookery sister.

"Demona." Des said.

"Sister. It's good to see you again." Demona greeted with a smile that was a lot more friendly.

"What are you doing here, Demona?" Des asked.

"Sister, I've come to talk to Brooklyn and Goliath." Her tone softened to a more serious one, but a saddened one. "I know that what I did in the past was all wrong, but I need to talk to them urgently."

"Is it something important?" Des demanded.

"Of course it is."

"Alright, but you will be watched." Des warned her. Even she didn't trust her now.

Desdemona took her sister to where the clan was.

The clan was busy teaching the kids how to play with some toys. Gabby and Tony were old enough now to sit up and play, and laugh, and even talk a little. Tony sure did anyway. He aged a little faster than his sister with his human DNA.

The doors to the nursery came open. "Goliath, Brooklyn. May I have a word?" Des asked.

The two lead males looked over their shoulder at the robot female. "Of course, Sister. What is it?" Goliath asked. They both walked over.

"Make sure they don't do anything cute until we get back." Brooklyn smiled.

"Oh we won't." Broadway joked.

The two lead males were led outside the nursery.

"What's going on?" Brooklyn asked.

"There is someone here to see you both." Des replied. "It was best not to take place in the nursery."

They were led to the Great Hall to where their 'guest' was. Demona was looking out the window, waiting patiently. She knew the males would be ever so angry to see her, but she was bracing herself.

When Goliath and Brooklyn first came in and saw who the guest was, their eyes both turned angry. "DEMONA!" they both shouted in unison.

Demona turned, her arms crossed, but not reacting.

"STOP!" Desdemona got in their way.

The two males calmed down just enough to hear what Des had to say. "She has come to talk to you both about something important. I let her in. She was persuasive."

"And what could she possibly have to talk to us about?" Brooklyn demanded.

"Always hard headed as usual." Demona stated. "I came because I'm tired of fighting with you and the clan."

"You expect us to believe you after all you've done to us?!" Goliath growled.

"I know you won't right away. You guys know that I have desired to have my kids for the last two years. I haven't given up trying." Demona explained.

"And it'll be over my dead body before you ever are allowed to take them!" Brooklyn snarled.

"Brooklyn, hear me out this time. I am not lying when I am telling you that I want to see them, most dearly, like any mother would. I know I did some many not-so-nice things to you and the clan so many times." Demona explained sadly.

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