Chapter 8

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The next appointment finally came. This time, it was just Brooklyn in the exam room alone with Dr. Trowsky.

Brooklyn was still wary of him, but he let the doctor take some blood to make sure everything was alright, and he listened to his heart and lungs, and took his pulse and blood pressure.

"I see that you have been taking good care of the babies. Your belly has grown since I saw you last." Trowsky said.

"Yeah, indeed." the gargoyle put a hand on his belly and rubbed nervously.

"Does your clan know yet?"

"Just my two brothers."

"You need to tell them. I'm sure they're worried about you." Trowsky said. "And you shouldn't be fighting in your condition."

"I make sure to protect my stomach in a fight." Brooklyn replied.

"It's not enough. The enemy could still manage to hit you there at some point. It would be devastating if they knew of the babies you carry, and especially with the Quarrymen still out there most of all." Trowsky explained.

"I know. I'll tell them after this appointment. I wanted to make sure they were alright first. It just took me this long to come to terms with the pregnancy, because it's not normal for this to happen." Brooklyn stated.

"I know, but this is a scientific breakthrough. For a male creature to carry offspring, other than male seahorses, is a miracle in itself." Trowsky said. "How does it feel to be carrying them now?"

"I can feel them move about inside me. During a rock concert, all they did was jump about. I couldn't get comfortable."

Trowsky laughed. "It's a sign they heard it. Even as small as they are yet." Brooklyn was happy to hear that. "Let's have a look here, shall we?" the doc said.

Brooklyn laid back on the bed. He felt so vulnerable lying like this, and trusting this human with his most precious secret.

Trowsky put his hands on red gargoyle's slightly swollen belly. "I'm just going to see how much I can feel them from some light palpation." he said.

Brooklyn eyed his hands as the man began to lightly press on his belly. "Don't hurt them!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not going to hurt them, I promise." Trowsky replied. He continued to press into his belly, but more around them. He could indeed feel the womb inside him, and he could feel the now, fetuses. The babies were good-sized considering when he saw them last.

Brooklyn winced from the pressing. He was relieved when the man stopped pressing on him. He rubbed his belly in return. He tried to sit up again.

"I'm not done yet, Brooklyn. I need to do an ultrasound now. If you'll just pull your loincloth down a bit, and we'll get a look at the babies." Trowsky directed.

Brooklyn did as he was told. He flinched with the gel being put on his belly again. He knew that as long as he was pregnant, his belly would be a main concern.

It didn't take long for an image to appear on screen.

The red gargoyle couldn't believe he was seeing one of his children on screen. This time, it had a discernible body. Trowsky moved the wand and showed the child's body that had developed. The fingers and toes had features like its father's. It had wings and a tail too. This one had a human-like face though. That worried Brooklyn. This one must have been taking after Demona's facial looks.

Then there was a feature of a blipping part. "What's that?" Brooklyn pointed.

"That's the heartbeat. Want to hear it?" the doc asked.

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