Chapter 18: Good Day Sunshine

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Maya's POV

The howling wind made us stagger. I kept my hold on John's hand, urging him to walk further and away from the haunting presence of Mimi and Julia. He was quiet, sniffling from time to time, but I had to drag him along.

"Come on John, come on." I sais as we walked down the sidewalk. The wind was roaring, pushing us, attempting to blow us away as if we were paper cards. I could hear Mimi and Julia calling after John now. Even if I'd never met them I could hear their distinctive cry for John pierce the howling of the wind. John whimpered and I started to run, entranced by our footsteps resonating on the icy pavement.

"Where are we going." I asked out loud to no one in particular

"Why would I know?" John shouted back, his usual humour coming back.

We made it to a building with a big entrance, guided by John. The entrance was engraved by golden letters that spelt "Ohlet" .We barged inside, holding on to each other as we got into the elevator, it went upwards and I felt as if we were inside a spaceship, beginning the ascension towards the moon. The buzzing sound stopped and I was thrown out of the elevator by John. He crawled on his hands and knees towards a door, telling me to follow him. We went inside a large room, John crawled under the bed, saying that he had to find the center of the earth. I took my jacket off, suddenly growing very hot as I threw it on the ground. I found a black tie hanging from a chair and I tied it around my neck. I also found a knit sweater and, pulling off mine I put on that one. It smelt of peppermint and rich cologne. I wondered whose it was and associated it with Paul. I smiled, jumping on the bed and wrapping the covers around me. I was cocooned by Paul's arms, I was warm, comfortable, and safe.

Ringo's POV

I woke up, thirsty, with dry lips as if I'd been lost in the desert. I was sleeping on the steps of the staircase, using a shoe as a pillow. My neck and back were stiff and I felt cold. I got up, stretching and groaning as I cracked my neck. I walked down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen and I laughed. George was lying down on the kitchen counter, his head pressed against the sink, he seemed comfortable enough , but it was George, he could sleep through anything. I avoided making noise as I took out the coffee maker, putting it on the stove. I stood by it, ready to take it off as soon as it was ready so as to not wake George up. I took it off and poured it into a mug. Black coffee was as good as bitter Tea. I went to the living room, looking for the others. Robert was in the middle of the room, his cheek pressed against the carpet, Jimmy was on the couch, cradling a shoe. Paul, John and Maya were missing. I felt that it was too early to call. I looked around in the rooms on the ground floor, noticing that someone had been there because there were ripped curtains strewn across the floor and cushions. No one in sight though. I walked up the stairs, not opening the two doors that belonged to Maya's Father. The door to Maya's room was wide open. Records were organized on the floor in a circular pattern. Books were piled on the ground, making part of this unusual work of art. I stood still for a moment, listening hard and I picked up the snoring sounds coming from the bed. I walked towards it, not seeing a heap under the covers, but on my way I tripped on a black polished shoe that looked like it belonged to Paul.

"Paul?" I whispered

"Hmm?" I heard someone answer. I crouched, looking under the bed

"Paul?" I asked again, uncertain

"Yeh- hmm?" I got back in response. I grabbed his shoe and pulled it, sliding him out from under the bed.

"Hello Paul." I greeted with a smile as he squinted his eyes.

"Yeh- hi." he responded, blinking and shading his eyes

"Are you alright?" I asked

"Yes. What's the matter?" he asked,fully awake and sitting up.

"And don't lie. I can judge from your expression." he said before I could deny things.

"Maya and John aren't here." I said. He frowned

"Anywhere?" he proceeded to say




"Do you happen to remember anything?"

"Not really. "

"Say, Paul?" I suddenly said

"What the hell is that?" I added, pointing towards the records. He didn't seem to know what I was talking about so he stood up and looked at what I was pointing. He seemed perplexed. I stood by him to see what he'd made.

"It's an egg." I chimed in

"What?" he said, eyeing me curiously

"It's an egg. Sunny side up." I said simply as it became obvious to my eyes.

"Oh and it's signed." I also added, noticing that there was a piece of paper in the center. Paul came to pick it up, stifling a laugh.


"Avida McCarney." he said, chuckling at what seemed to be an inside joke as it made no sense to me.

"Maya?" I heard Robert's voice call from downstairs.

"She's not here." I called back, waiting for his running footsteps to come up the stairs .

"Then where is she?" he said, running up the stairs as I expected him to.

"We don't know."

"Robert, do you remember anything?" Paul asked him

"Bits and pieces. Flashing images. " he responded as he began looking around Maya's room and he stood by the window, trying to see anything unusual in the garden.

"Where's John?" George asked, coming into the room

"We don't know." we answered in chorus

"And what the bloody hell is that?" George asked, staring at the records

"It's an egg."I answered before Paul could. George gave Paul an unusual look as he tried to see the shape.

Maya's POV

"Approaching the center of the earth."

"90 degrees west, please."

"Don't you find this temperature wonderful?"

These three unusual phrases drifted in my sleep, echoing through my head, altering the dream that I was having.

Robert's POV

"Their boots aren't here." George commented as we were all downstairs

"Neither are their jackets." he added

"Good, Sherlock." I said humorosly, wrapping my scarf around my neck and opening the door. As I saw no attempt to follow me, I turned around.

"Well, come on then."

"Where?" Paul asked

"I don't know. But we do know that they went out."

"We should split up." George proposed

"Half to the park, half the hotel. Those should be the first two places, if of course, they left together." Paul mused aloud

"I'll go to the hotel." George said

"Me too." Paul added

"I'll go as well." I said

Paul did not look so happy but I appreciated his effort in trying to hide it.

George's POV

Paul, Robert and I headed towards the hotel, walking in quick steps. I yawned and felt my stomach grumble with hunger. We were soon at the hotel and I knew that I had food in my room. We rode the elevator and I handed Paul my key as he'd forgotten his.He opened the door, turning on the light switch. We heard a collective groan fill the air, they were there.

"Good morning sunshines, sleep alright?" Robert said sarcastically as Maya sat up on the bed and John crawled out from under it.

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