Chapter 28: Taxman

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Robert's POV

"Wake up Maya, your car's here. " I cooed softly in her ear. She didn't stir. I shook my head and placed myself in front of the window, watching the sunrise.

"Maya you're going to sleep in on the day you leave for London? Very mature." I heard Jimmy call and Maya groan. Jimmy walked to the end of the bed and took her ankles over the covers. He smiled mischievously at me and mouthing the words: one, two, three, he pulled. Maya screamed a curse in French as Jimmy pulled her all the way off the bed. She landed on the floor, cushioned by the comforter she had wrapped arpund her like a dress.

"I hate you." she grumbled, rubbing her eyes

"But you'll miss us." I chirped in

"Remind me to not go to your wedding." she joked.

"Remind us to remind you to visit." Jimmy striked back.

"Right." she nodded, getting up and stretching, cat-like.

"MAYA, BREAKFAST." I heard her dad call. She mumbled something and slipped on a sweater over her shirt. She slid out of her pajama pant and slipped on some jeans. The rest of her clothes were packed. We'd taken down our suitcases before she'd awoken.

"J'ARRIVE." she shouted in response, motioning for us to come after her as she opened the door. She gave a last look at her room, smiling proudly and picked up the box of records that was against the wall. She sighed, mumbled a goodbye and closed it. Maya's father ate with us, having set his newspaper aside and watching her daughter eat silently. They didn't seem to have a very conversational relationship, but maybe that was their way to be.

"So, Robert, when are you getting married?"

"December." I said with an easy smile, taking a bite out of a toast. Jimmy was eyeing a music magazine beside his plate.

"Oh good, congratulations. " he said. I nodded gratefully and wiped my mouth with a napkin. I kicked Jimmy under the table. He jumped but understood the message and closed the magazine, placing it on his lap.

"At what time does your plane leave?" he asked Jimmy

"Four hours from now. As soon as Maya is off, we'll go too. Thank you for having us here, sir." he said politely

"Oh, anytime, really." he chuckled. He watched Maya eat again. Jimmy and I exchanged glances and as we finished eating, we excused ourselves and took our plates to the kitchen. We took a while, giving them time and we sat on the counter. We peered out the window. The car waiting for Maya was black. The driver was reading a newspaper placidly as he held a cigar to his lips.

"She'll be fine, right?" Jimmy asked and I nodded

"Do you think they'll..." he asked again

"Last?" I completed, understanding

"I really don't know." I added

Maya came in, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She washed her plate and kissed us both on the cheek.

"Let's go, it's time."

Her father shook our hands as a goodbye and we thanked him again. Maya was waiting for us in the living room, her bag propped against her leg. She hugged Jimmy first, rocking from side to side and they laughed to something he told her. She then turned to me and squeezed my waist tightly, hugging me as hard as she could.

"Say hello to Maureen for me. I'll write. And I'll visit. I'll call you when I can. I love you both. Goodbye." she said softly, her eyes watery as she turned around and left. She opened the door and slipped inside, we saw her give a final wave as the car drove away.

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