Chapter 3: Strawberry Fields Forever

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Paul's POV

''Good morning Paul.'' called Ringo cheerfully from his seat beside the window. He was perfectly dressed, sipping on a cup of coffee and reading the news. 

''Hey Ringo.'' I told him between yawns as I sat across from him.

''What's your plan then?'' he said, folding his newspaper neatly

''For what?''


''How do you know about that?'' I scowled

''I'm not a blithering idiot Paul, you should know that by now.''

''I don't know. I don't even know where she lives, I didn't keep her adress.''

''Whose adress?'' asked John

''No one's.'' Ringo answered quickly

''Will someone please explain to me why there's an ulterior motive to us going to Paris that I don't seem to know about?''

''Maya Carter.'' said George, sitting beside me


''Maya Carter. Brown Hair. Green Eyes. La Vie En Rose. Ring any bells?''

''Did I shag her?''

It took all my willpower and Ringo's restraining arm for me to not hit my best mate because of his last remark.

''What's up with him?'' asked John, snorting at me.

''You're an idiot John.'' George told him with a smile and he shrugged.

The plane took off and Ringo let go of me. He buried himself in his newspaper and George grabbed something to bite. I shifted a little, moving and tapping my feet impatiently on the ground. 

''Oh. MAYA CARTER.'' cried John and Ringo gave a chuckle

''Mushroom Maya'' he told himself while he laughed and I scowled again.

I looked out the window and watched the clouds. I must have dozed off because much later, once again, someone was shaking me awake.

''Paris. Paul, wake up.'' cried Ringo as he gave me little pats on the head

''What? Oh right.'' I said as I pulled my head away from the plane window and rubbed my cheek. 

We were taken to a car with tinted windows and driven to the hotel. John disappeared to the bar, George looked around the suite for something to eat and Ringo read a few magazines. 


Maya's POV

''Wake up. Now. Or I'm pouring a bucket of freezing water over both of you.'' called Robert in a sing song voice from somewhere in the room and my eyes slowly opened as I became aware of where I was. Jimmy's arms where surrounding me and I was sleeping against his chest. He was snoring softly beside my ear and he looked utterly relaxed. I stirred and his arms tightened around me.

''Jimmy. Jimmy.'' I murmured beside his ear

''Wake up Jimmy.'' I told him softly

''Jimmy.'' I insisted but he wouldn't wake up. I tried untagling myself from his embrace, but I couldn't. I sighed and I heard Robert giggle.

''Help.'' I yelped and he laughed. I heard the floorboards creak under his weight and I saw him there, towering over us with an amused look. 

''James. Wake up.'' he told him in a sugary tone while he pulled on Jimmy's hair. Jimmy groaned and tightened his grip, pressing my body against his. 

''James, you're not sleeping with a plush animal right now...'' called Robert his voice high pitched due to his attempt of barely containing laughter. Jimmy sighed and groaned.

''Robert, let me sleep.''

''As soon as you let go of your plush toy so we can go outside and have fun.''

''What?'' he whined

''Jimmy will you let go?'' I whispered and his eyes flew open. He blushed and took his arms from around me.He stood up, mumbling excuses and ran off to the bathroom. I laughed nervously as I sat up.

''Had a good night?'' Robert said with a giggle.

''We only slept, you know?'' I said defensively

''Yeah, I know.'' he winked and I blushed

''Shut up.'' I told him as he kept looking at me

'' You know he loves you.'' he said softly

''Yes.'' I whispered

''Move on Maya, forget about the Beatles.''

''It's hard. It surprises me how hard it is. ''

''GUESS WHAT I FOUND UNDER SOMEONE'S SINK? IT RHYMES WITH SHROOMS AND IT AIN'T A PROPER VEGETABLE.'' yelled Jimmy as he threw the door open, making us jump. He was holding a plastic bag with a few stringy mushrooms. 

''Oh shit I'd forgotten about those.'' I said sheepishly and Robert narrowed his eyes.

Jimmy threw the bag on the bed as he dried his wet hair with his towel while he rummaged through his bag for a comb. I seized the bag and examined it, thin, stringy stems and small heads, Psilocybin. Images flew through my mind like an old movie projector, George Harrison singing the Hare Krishna and braiding my hair, his fingers soft and gentle, John Lennon kissing me fiercely, Ringo telling me how foolish I was and Paul, Paul was there, caressing my face, my hair, telling me that everything was alright. I blinked back a few tears and sighed, Robert was examining my face closely but I gave him a smile.

''Please tell me you know a good place for us to try these.'' said Jimmy while he brushed his hair back.

 ''Yeah, of course. I love hills and apple trees.'' I laughed, picturing my favorite park, a very quiet place I used to go to when I needed to get away from the house....

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