Chapter 7: Rain

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George's POV

It was odd how I was picked to be the one sleeping next to Maya's friends. It was obvious that it wasn't going to be Paul, and I felt that she hated each of us, so it was strange. I shrugged and opened the door. The blonde, Robert, was sitting on a matress, reading Hamlet while he mumbled something to himself.

''Hello.'' I saluted and he looked up, narrowing his eyes and nodding.

''Hello.'' he responded with an easy smile as he gave his curls a shake. I expected him to snap at me or hit me, but I was surprised by his unfazed calm. I stared into his green eyes, looking out for signs of glassiness or redness, but they were a light green and completely clear. I sat on the bed and looked around the room. The walls were lined with posters, as usual. The bookshelves carried a large collection of classics, the spines used and yellowed. I smiled as I recognized Lewis Carrol's books, placed neatly in the center. There was a phonograph on the far side of the wall, with a pile of records stacked in a box beside it. She hadn't changed much, in her taste at least. There was a matress beside it, placed right under the window and I threw myself on it. 

''To be or not to be.'' Robert said while he chewed on a strand of his hair, completely inmersed by the book.

''To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question.'' I told him and he laughed.

I pulled the wooly blankets up to my chin and closed my eyes. In a state of half-consciousness, I heard Robert whisper:

'' Too bad I have to be mean to the Beatles.''


Ringo's POV

''She's the same, isn't she?'' John told me and I was surprised by his interest, having remembered not only a few hours ago that Maya existed.

''Yes, only bluer than I remember.'' I answered as I splashed my face with cold water.

''That can be fixed.'' I heard him mutter and I chuckled.

''You do remember we're here for Paul, right?'' I reminded him, trying to hide a smile

''Yeah, of course, sure.'' I heard him admit reluctantly while he took off his sweater and slipped under the covers of the single bed next to the window.

''It's funny how we're stuck here.'' I mused aloud as I saw the icy rain outside.

''Might as well enjoy it.'' he mumbled and I laughed

''It's been a while since we've had some sort of holiday.'' I said, sliding the rings off my fingers.

''Aye.'' grunted John as he pulled a pillow over his head. I was going to add something about Maya but I heard his snores and I decided to let him sleep. 


Paul's POV

The only thing that broke the eerie silence was the sound of the rain tapping the window. I couldn't sleep, I was anxious, but I didn't know why. Maya's rejection was the only thing I could think about and it kept replaying on and on. I could feel the bruises on my stomach as I brushed over them with my blanket and felt pain. I suddenly heard soft footsteps almost silenced by the carpet as someone came into the living room. 

''Maya?'' I whispered

''Why do you always ask that?'' someone voiced and I saw a silhouette stand in front of the window and sit down.

''I don't know. Whose house am I in?'' I responded sarcastically as I recognized the voice.

''It's really ironic how two years ago we were in the same situation.'' the voice said bitterly

''Maybe. ''

''Though I didn't keep my promise.''

''You're right, you didn't. Why didn't you? Your blonde friend got ahead of you.''

''His name's Robert.'' he answered and he hesitated, not answering my question.

''Why can't you sleep?'' I asked

''I think it was the surprise of seeing you. How karma joined us all again. I was too slow to react. I was too high.'' he mused as he answered the first question

''Why does she hate me?''

'' I can't sleep because my mind won't shut off.'' he added and I sighed

''You broke her Paul. You more than the others. Empty words, endless pages of bottomless words, and then, silence. That's why she hates you the most.'' he finally answered.

''Glad you're here. I think that you telling me this is worse than your friend hitting me.''

''My pleasure, McCartney. Glad I could help.'' he responded and I could almost hear him smile.

''Thank you for enlightening my night. ''

''Glad I have that off my mind, I can sleep in peace now. '' he said while he stood up and walked out

''Hey Jimmy.'' I called after him


''You've got to admit that it's fun fucking me over.'' I told him humourously

''Absolutely.'' he chuckled and I heard him go up the stairs.

And with that cleared up, I wonder, can I sleep now? Maybe. ''Bientot je serais dans les bras de Morphée'' You don't know how to maintain a conversation but you can say that? I read things, sometimes. Go to bed, dearie.

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