Chapter 2: For No One

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Paul's POV

''Wake up. We have to go Paulie.'' a voice pressed as I was shaken awake.

''Wh-What?'' I stuttered sleepily

''We have to take the plane, we're going to Paris.''

''Why are we going to Paris again?'' 

''Because we're taking a vacation?'' answered the voice.

''Since when?'' 

''Since I decided that we need one.'' said another voice

I opened my eyes and looked up sleepily at the faces of my two friends. John being the one shaking me awake and George being the one answering why we were having a vacation.

''Wait. Isn't she in Paris?'' I said

Oh god she's in Paris. Remembering now, are you? Oh God, you're back. Never left Norman, darling. Did you miss me? She's in Paris. Paris. Paris. We're going to Paris.

John looked clueless but George understood and he nodded.

''Thank You.'' I told him and he nodded again, giving me a small smile

''What are you talking about?'' asked John, his eyes flying from my face to George's trying to understand our silent agreement.

''Nothing, let's go, I'm up.'' I said, standing up swiftly and looking for fresh clothes to put on.


George's POV

I don't know why, but I'd had an impulse and begged Brian to cancel everything and leave us be for a while in Paris,mostly because I wanted to see Maya, I just had to, I wondered if she was still was beautiful as ever.  Funny thing is, Paul was too... I hadn't done the Paris thing for him, or maybe I had. But I'd also done it for me. I'd learnt that following my impulses often led to something great...


Robert's POV

''Now, little darling, will you tell me what's wrong or do I have to use reverse psychology?'' I asked, as she gave me a small smile through her watery eyes. She sat more comfortably as she took a deep breath. She didn't say anything, I didn't know if it was because she didn't know where to start or she didn't want to tell me. Maybe she'd changed and I wasn't her best friend anymore, we'd lost that connection we'd always had. I wondered back to the first days where we'd met, she'd been the new girl at the café and I had helped her, I laughed to myself when I came around to the memory where I first asked her out and she unceremoniously told me to fuck off. Then, Jimmy had introduced me to Maureen and Maya and I became friends. I'd confide in her and she'd confide in me. We trusted each other and we always knew when something was wrong. But, maybe distance had changed things... I sensed her unease though and I decided to ask her things.

'' Did they keep writing?'' I said and she nodded.

''But they stopped.'' I continued and she nodded again

''Even Paul?'' I kept on and she didn't say anything but I knew the answer.

''Oh that bastard.'' I cursed as I scratched my head. She motioned towards a wooden box on her bedside table and she didn't have to tell me what was in there because I knew. I heard the rustling of paper as she placed the box carefully in front of me. She took a key from a bracelet hanging loose around her wrist and she placed it on top of it. She wanted me to open it. I didn't know why but I couldn't not do it. I placed the small key in the rusted lock on the side of the box and turned it. A faint click broke the silence and I hesitated between opening the box or closing it again. Maya's hands opened the box and I noticed that they were shaking. Inside were maybe more than a hundred letters, all carefully stacked one on top of the other. They gave away that earthy smell of old paper as I took a few out of the box, looking at the names. From John. From George. From Ringo, they all claimed. I furrowed my brow in confusion as I didn't find Paul's name. Maya's hands pushed mine away from the box as she pulled out the letters that were at the bottom , carefully preserved inside a white scarf. I didn't dare open it and I knew Paul's letter's were there and judging on Maya's facial expression I knew that it was hard on her, opening the box with the letters, so I decided, for her sake, to put them back carefully, while she watched me with ghostly eyes. I closed the box and gave her the key, which she attached to her bracelet again in robot-like movements. I knew that that was her way of closing herself from sadness and I knew that this was the moment to let her be. I kissed her forehead while I picked up a pillow on the matress and headed downstairs. 


Maya's POV

I hadn't opened the box in a long time. I'd delayed it, but Robert had brought it up again and I had to. Robert left me, knowing that I didn't want to be with him if I was going to cry. I placed the box on the table, my movements slow as I felt a strange numbness creeping inside me. I climbed on the bed, curling under the covers and cocooning myself in them, trying to stifle my cries with the comforter so I wouldn't wake Jimmy. I bit hard on the comforter while I cried and sobbed until I stopped and removed the comforter from my mouth, turning over and looking up at the ceiling. 

''You know I can tell that you're crying right?'' called Jimmy's voice from the floor and I jumped slightly. I didn't answer him though, I just sniffled a little. 


''What?'' I whispered, my voice rough. I heard him shift around and he was suddenly there beside me, lying down. He gently wiped away my tears with the corner of the comforter and he tucked it tightly around me. I watched him while he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He seemed to think something for a moment and then he slipped under the covers and pulled me closer to him, so my hands were now sandwiched against his chest as he encircled me with his strong arms. I started crying again, this time silently and I placed my head against his chest while tears fell down my cheeks, pooling on his shirt. He didn't let go of me and I heard him sigh while he rubbed my back soothingly.

''I'm sorry.'' he whispered

''Why?'' I croaked, not understanding

''Because I didn't warn you enough. If I ever see him again, I'm killing him.'' he said angrily

''It's not your fault.'' I said as I began to cry again 

''Shhh.'' he told me as he caressed my hair and held me.

I closed my eyes and counted every breath Jimmy took, lulled by his breathing and his warm arms as he whispered I missed you and I fell asleep.

No One I Think Is In My Tree ( Sequel to Bathroom Window)Where stories live. Discover now