Chapter 4: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

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Maya's POV

I linked my arms to Jimmy's and Robert's as we walked down the street. I was whistling merrily, decided to keep the Beatles's memories from ruining my good mood. We skipped a little too, like Dorothy and her friends from the Wizard of Oz. I brought them around many streets until we reached the gate of my beloved park. The gate was rusty and creaked as we pushed it open and the park had an eerie look to it. I heard Robert snort beside me as his bell-bottoms got caught on a loose part of the gate and I laughed. Jimmy didn't hesitate and went past the thin bushes and out to the field, he knew that he could trust me when it came to finding good secluded parks...


Jimmy's POV

I smiled as I entered the field. The grass was frozen but the field was vast , there were a few apple trees and pines on the sides, the apple trees surely full with ripening apples in the summer, and I headed towards them. I lied down and inhaled the scent of pine needles that reminded me so much of Christmas. I felt Robert and Maya sit down beside me. I sat up and watched them. Robert pulled out the plastic bag and distributed the mushrooms in equal amounts.

''To Paris and the hope that Maya will visit us soon.'' Robert toasted

''To Paris and the hope that you come more often.'' toasted Maya

''To Paris and the hope that we enjoy this as much as possible.'' I said with a sense of closure as we each ate our mushrooms in silence.

We talked between us for a while, waiting for the effects to kick in. When I began to feel disconnected from reality, the conversation stopped as we were all dazed in our own way.


Paul's POV

''That's it. We're going out. I'm not going to have you moping around because of some bloody bird from two years ago.'' slurred John angrily as he slammed his glass down on the coffee table. I jumped, as I was concentrated on counting the uneven spots on the ceiling.

''And where are you planning to take us, Johnny, love?''

called George between mouthfuls of a sandwich he'd made himself a few minutes ago, boy does he eat a lot, a lot is an understatement, get out of my head, no, i'm too comfortable here.

''Wherever, I don't care, I just want to go outside.'' he mumbled as he pulled on his coat and a hat that shaded his face. He opened the door and slammed it shut.

''I'm going with John.'' said Ringo as he went after him, closing the door.

''Come on Paulie, let's have some fun now that we're here.'' said George as he stood up and brushed the crumbs off his clothes. I sighed and got up too, taking a coat and heading outside. The corridor was empty and I waited for George to lock the door behind him. We made it out of the hotel without being spotted. Due to the cold weather we were wearing hats and scarves that covered part of our faces so we wouldn't be spotted that easily.

''Where to, Captain?'' I exclaimed as John blew on his hands to warm them.

''I say this way.'' he said, heading down a narrow street. John loved to explore, wherever he wandered off to, he always got somewhere interesting.


Maya's POV

The world transformed before my eyes, from a winter wonderland to a sunny park. My sadness flew away like the purple butterflies that seemed to be swarming around me, not touching me, but leaving my skin tingling. The ground seemed to be trembling under my feet, snoring as if it slept during the cold winter. I was vaguely aware of my friends's laughter which echoed mine as we held hands and danced in a circle. The cold breeze made us all shiver and I yelped when the breeze whispered in my ear ''Love'' in Paul's voice. Jimmy and Robert squeezed my hands though and I concentrated again on the butterflies that swarmed around us, purple and blue, seeming to switch colors and fade, to be drawn out vividly again, like a hologram. I squealed with joy as they seemed to draw patterns in the air. I let go of my friends's hands and I twirled by myself, dancing to a music the butterflies seemed to be making as they flitted around me, surrounding me like an aura, enfolding me like a live blanket. And then, Jimmy was there, dancing the waltz with me, going round and round as he smiled and laughed. I placed my head against the crook of his neck and let him waltz me around as the butterflies vibrated happiness and energy around us, tickling my cheek with the soft touch of rose petals. I could hear Robert reciting something that sounded a lot like the French poet Arthur Rimbaud. I laughed and covered my mouth as one of the butterflies flew into it, bouncing against my palate, rolling on my tongue and then dissolving on it, causing me to giggle. Jimmy whispered softly against my ear a few Sinatra songs that relived memories with Paul, but I let them be replaced by Jimmy's raspy voice. I let go of Jimmy as he finished a song, placing a kiss on my neck and I twirled again, starting to sing whatever came to my mind. I danced around the field laughing as I sang, embracing the butterflies that kissed my cheeks and pulled on my hair.


George's POV

I followed John as he kept on going through narrow streets, taking turns in unexpected places as it began to snow. I used my hand as a shield from the snowflakes that got in my field of vision and froze on my face. I laughed as we all stumbled behind John like lost sheep. I heard Ringo's laugh echo mine and Paul join in as John urged us to go faster. He walked into another narrow street and exclaimed ''TA-DA'' as he found a rusted gate covered with snow, leading to a park.

''Why the bloody hell do you like parks so much, John?'' whined Paul as he started to shiver

''Because parks are great, Paul McWhiny, now shut up and come.''

John pushed the gate open, fighting with the small heap of snow that had built against it as he ran inside and out onto a huge open field.

''See?'' he said while he laughed and spread his arms out. He didn't notice that there were two figures under the trees and a third one that seemed to be dancing. I could hear singing, but it was distorted by the howling wind and the snow that seemed to muffle the sounds. Paul walked up to John and they started throwing snow at each other, like they were toddlers again, I laughed and joined the fight, flinching as the snow dripped under my shirt and burnt my chest.


Ringo's POV

There were two odd figures under the trees and I headed towards them. I was curious to see if they were just homeless or simply as mad as us to be out in the snow like this. I tipped my hat to them as I sat under the pine trees. There were two men, one of them tall, with a good head of blond curly hair that seemed to be trying to draw things on the frozen earth. He seemed to have green eyes and he was mumbling things in French. The other one seemed oddly familiar, his hair brown and shaggy and a thick brown beard to match it. He had blue eyes and he was stacking pine needles in a neat pile, like he was putting them all together to light a small fire. The two men didn't seem to notice my presence and I cleared my throat and they both stared up at me. Their eyes were glassy and faintly red, betraying them by stating that they were clearl high, that's why they were acting so distracted and engrossed at the same time.

''Hello.'' the blond one called, almost in a sing song voice.

''Hello.'' I answered as I rubbed my gloves together and repositioned my jacket so my neck wasn't exposed to the cold. The blond stared at me for a few seconds and he regained his reciting. The brown haired one wouldn't take his eyes off me and I saw his eyes flicker towards my friends which were in the middle of a snowball fight.


Paul's POV

''IN COMING.'' I yelled as I threw a snowball that smacked John in the chest and he fell back, laughing.

''IN COMING YOURSELF.'' I heard George scream as I turned to his direction a little too late and I felt a burn on my cheek. I dusted off the snow, and prepared myself to assemble another snowball as I heard an all too familiar voice sing to one of our songs, I'm Looking Through You. I turned towards the voice and I saw the dancing person a few steps away. You could see it was a women due to her curved silhouette and the brown hair that bounced around her like waves. I unwillingly took a few steps closer, but I still couldn't see the face, due to the wind and the snow. I approached her until I was a hand's reach away from her and I prepared myself to grasp her shoulder, to steady her from her everlasting dance as I felt an impact on my back and I was pushed forward, tripping and falling on top of the girl. She had turned over and my face was close against hers. Her eyes were blurry and hazy but they seemed to have focused on my face as I recognized her. Those green eyes framed by those thick eyelashes, the curvy lips, her round nouse and her singing voice that died away when I fell on top of her. Maya. The moment I hadn't been looking for her, she had appeared. Her mouth had pulled up into a shocked and hurt expression as she brushed the snow out of my face in a swift movement. I only had the time to whisper her name when I felt someone push me back and she was gone from my sight and replaced by a fist that collided with my nose.

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