Chapter 16: Tomorrow Never Knows

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Ringo's POV

I swallowed my mushroom, in a hurry to get it over with. I didn't mind getting high, I just hated the mess you had to pick up afterwards. Ugly secrets and bad sides of people got out when you were high, and if you had a bad trip things wouldn't go so well.

My vision twitched to blue and pink, changing the scene to a pop art version of it. The face of my friends lit up as if they were Marylin Monroe's in Andy Warhol paintings. They all had a glazed look in their eyes, each watching a different spot of the room. Robert had finally stopped playing with his hair and he was stroking a velvet cushion, cooing things at it. George was offering tea to an invisible girl called Pattie, he kept insisting that she hadn't gotten any even if he'd made a gesture that suggested that he'd filled a floating teacup. John had turned a little stiff, wrapping his arms around himself and watching the window. Jimmy was watching his shoes, braiding the laces and talking to them. Maya was lying down, watching the ceiling and moving from side to side in a rocking gesture. Paul had grabbed a watch and he was dangling it in front of him, like a hipnotist, he kept flinching every time the watch touched him and he kept saying something that sounded like 'Avida McCarntney' .

"Ringo?" a voice called and I turned, seeing a pop art Polly materialize in front of me. She stuck her tongue out at me and I pulled on one of her pigtails.

"Chocolate is better." I said

"No." she answered, tilting her head to the side, I laughed, the laugh seeming to echo inside my head, resonating deeply as if it wasn't mine. I imagined it forming bubbles inside my head, bubbles that bounced around, echoing and popping against the skull, creating booming sounds.

Maya's POV

My ceiling was Van Gogh's starry night. The lamp was the crescent moon, smiling like a cat, the blue cloud twirling, the whole landscape moving in perfect harmony. And the music, the soft melancholic piano that filled my ears and my heart. Every note so sweet that if I opened my mouth I could taste it. It seemed to rain on me, sweet cold drops from the rumbling blue clouds. I smiled, feeling like a light feather being pushed around by the wind.

Robert's POV

"Strider. Come here good boy." I cooed at my yellow lab, stroking him. He watched me with his big amber eyes. His hair felt silky under my hand as I patted him repeatedly. His hair seemed to change colors though, going from caramel to black and from black to white. It went through the whole color wheel, as well as his eyes that seemed to posess internal fireworks. He whimpered and I gave him a final stroke. He suddenly disappeared, replaced by a red velvet cushion.

"Strider?" I called out. I heard a bark. I got up, following the noise and I tripped , following a ghostly howl and crashing into a door.

Jimmy's POV

"Old brown shoe, why are you scowling at me?" I demanded as it gave me a sadistic grin. It cackled, its face turning slimmer, into the diamond shaped head of a snake. It hissed, baring his fangs. The shoelaces slithered out of my hand, releasing the slimy tail of the emerald serpent. I watched intently for a while, enjoying how its tail seemed to writhe by itself.

George's POV

"Pattie, you haven't taken any tea." I insisted, straightening my green hat.

"Of course I have." she whispered, stroking one of her long ears. She grasped the cup with two hands, trying to prevent the spilling of the tea with trembling hands.

"I insist."

"I don't" she said, twitching nervously

"What time is it?"

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