Chapter 13: Yellow Submarine

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Jimmy's POV

"I miss Maureen." Robert whined

" Robert, we're going to have fun tonight, Maya's dad is leaving and the house is ours. And I have a feeling that Maya has more shrooms under her bed." I comforted him, giving Maya a wink.

He grinned a little and Maya blushed.

Paul's POV

I gave myself a last look at the mirror and I straightened the collar of my shirt over my brown sweater.

"Ready?" George asked, knocking on the door. With a satisfied grin, I opened it and got out of the bathroom. A young maid was picking up the glass shards and John was watching her intently, trying to make heruncomfortable by winking at her every time she caught him staring.

"Ready, old chap?" John asked, turning his attention to me. I gave him a polite smile and yelled a not-really convincing


John chuckled, Ringo shifted awkwardly, the maid excused herself by giving a murmured goodbye and George whistled.

"Paulie come here." John told me, opening his arms to me. I shook my head and he took a few steps forward.

"Come on Macca." he walked closer and he reached out to hug me. His arms tightened around me and I sighed, hugging him back.

"I'm sorry about making mean comments."

"I'm sorry for trying to hit your head with an ashtray."

"And a glass. And maybe even a plate."

"Right. Sorry." Two pairs of strong arms wrapped around us and I grinned as they joined the hug.

"I'm sorry for being a bloody idiot." I apologized. They answered with a chorus of yes and I chuckled.

"Let's go then." John said, entangling himself from the numerous arms enfolding him. Ringo and George let go and the four of us walked into the elevator. We hid our faces with scarves and hats when a pair of giggling girls climbed aboard. Ringo shifted nervously beside me and I knew that if he didn't stop we were going to get caught. I elbowed him and he yelped in pain, his cry muffled by the scarve he'd wrapped so high up that it covered his nose.

The girls turned around at the noise.

"Excuse him miss, he's got a terrible cold." John said galantly, keeping his hat down so it shaded his face.

"Vous êtes anglais?" one of them responded excitedly and I knew that we'd made a mistake, I tried my best to patch it up.

"Lui. Il est anglais. C'est notre cousin." I responded with my indiscreet english accent. The girl narrowed her eyes with incredulity.

"If you're looking for the Beatles, miss, they were heading towards the kitchen, at least that's what I overheard." John said, trying to make his voice sound hoarser. I rolled my eyes, John wasn't good at faking voices.

The girl that'd spoken first grinned excitedly and looked at the pannel of the elevator, pressing on the button that said "Cuisine". The other one narrowed her eyes at John and me, I could see that she wasn't believing us. The elevator stopped and dinged, I supressed a sigh of relief as we got out of the elevator and of the hotel as fast as we could. We let out a collective laugh as we were welcomed by a cold breeze and a flurry of snowflakes.

George's POV

I felt my pocket, making sure that the book was there. I smiled as my fingers traced blindly the corner of the cover.

"Lead the way Johnny boy." I said giving his back a slap. I was rubbing my hands together, keeping them warm. John chuckled and started leading the way.

No One I Think Is In My Tree ( Sequel to Bathroom Window)Where stories live. Discover now