Chapter 27: Hello, Goodbye

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Maya's POV

I was sweating. My clothes were stuck to my body. Marianne was pressed against Mick, dancing slowly to a softer song. Daniel was talking to Jimmy and I was spinning alone, not wanting to stop moving. I was faced with a trip again. A last day. That proved that I had to enjoy everything I could before it was over. England seemed uncertain. Or no, Paul seemed uncertain. England was however more tangible: a new country offering me its secrets. I realized that Paul's appearance had come in an opportune moment . I was beginning to get bored of Paris. I needed to be in constant movement. I had to breathe a different air.I thought of my father, of his unaltered routine. He'd be fine. He could bury himself with work, preventing him from thinking. I however, had awoken from the mindlessness, and I was hungry for a change.

I could see Paul in a corner, his face grim as he thought of our previous conversation. I watched him, knowing that he thought that I couldn't see him and I sighed. I could feel us begininning to pull apart, small cracks growing in our relationship. I'd forgotten what it felt like to miss him. Missing him caused you to feel a pain in the chest that took your breath away as it appeared suddenly. As suddenly as now.

Paul's POV

I felt confused. Was she implying that it wouldn't work? That she'd change her mind as soon as she set her foot off the plane? I felt her distant, even if she was only a few steps away. She was dancing but I knew that her mind was elsewhere, her eyes were distant, her brow was slightly furrowed, her jaw was set. I felt a strange sadness settle.

Jimmy's POV

I knew her well enough to know that she was thinking about the trip. She was doubting things, creating theories that would haunt her for a long time. I could see it in her eyes. They were veiled by the ghost of what she'd been when we first had arrived. I remembered her empty, her eyes dull. Now, I could see them begin to lose their light. I tried looking over to Robert but he was dancing still. I wouldn't even look at Paul. She needed someone. And, it was my turn to be there for her . I stood and walked to her, placing my hands on her hips. She snapped out of her thoughts, looking confused and out of place.

"Spit it out." I said and she nodded, suddenly wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me close to her. She began talking , her voice soft and quivering. She told me everything. She described to me what it felt like to miss someone you loved, and I tried my best not to tell her that I knew quite well how that felt. She said she was worried about journalism, but I knew that that wasn't it. Journalism was her excuse for an income, it had stopped being her passion long ago. She was afraid of endings. Deep down, she really was. She felt the closure and she didn't want it. She knew that things would never be the same again, no matter what she tried. She feared the uncertainty. She was already beginning to miss Paul as if he'd gone away.

"Maya, listen to me." I told her as she kept on babbling, her voice beginning to turn hysteric. I placed my hands on both sides of her head, locking her in place.

"Listen." I repeated but she would not stop.

"Listen to me. You're going to be fine. You're going to go with Paul to England. If it doesn't work, come back to Paris. Or if you hate it, come live with me. Just calm down. Things will be fine. Enjoy the best you can."

She didn't answer but her eyes were locked with mine and she nodded ever so slightly.

"Good Maya." I said, kissing her forehead. "Now, go talk to Paul."

She hugged me for a minute and then went to sit beside Paul. He wasn't paying attention to her, absorbed, as he looked down at his hands. I saw her take his and he seemed to come back to her. They pressed their heads close and spoke softly. I nodded, satisfied and sat with Marianne. She gave me a smile and propped her legs on mine, winking as she sat back.

"You're fascinating Jimmy. Even if you're invisible." she called, her voice clear above the music. I raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"I'm serious. And you really know how to play a guitar." she kept on, her smile turning into a playful smirk. She played with a lock of her hair and batted her eyelashes. I wondered if there were after effects to absynthe, because I seemed to have a wicked fairy sitting beside me and making suggestive compliments. Mick was lying under the bed.

"Out of sight, out of harm?" , I thought silently

Marianne's hand went to play with the hair at the back of my neck as she sat closer to me, lowering her legs. She met my eyes and we stared at each other for a while. John suddenly plopped down beside us. We stared away from each other and I shook my head to clear my thoughts. The music had died away, I turned my head to see that Ringo was kissing one of the girls goodbye. Daniel was hugging Maya and leaving. They were all filing out of the room. Robert closed it and stood against.

"What now?" he called

"I have to pack. And say goodbye to my father" Maya answered softly, her arms wrapped around herself. Paul hugged her close, not seeming to want to let go.

"Well then, bye Marianne." I said and she hugged me, smiling sadly. She gave me a kiss on the cheek as I stood. I shook John's hand but he pulled me in for a hug. I chuckled, surprised. The other Beatles gave me hugs, patting my back and whispering farewells. Mick gave me a kiss on the cheek too and winked. Keith tipped his bottle up to me and shook my hand.

"Keep on playing, Jimmy Page." they joked

"See you around." I called, willing it to be true. Robert seemed reluctant to leave, his hand staying on the doorknob but not turning it. Maya was whispering things to Paul as they embraced. He finally let her go and she went to hug Marianne, a small sob escaping her.

Maya's POV

"Goodbye darling." she said, hugging me back and caressing my hair. "I'll see you soon."

I went out of her arms and hurled myself into Keith's whom tipped back and almost lost his balance. He held the bottle in one hand as he hugged me awkwardly.

Then, it was Mick's turn, his voice turned low and seductive as he whispered a goodbye in my ear. I headed towards the door and opened it for Robert because it looked as if he was physically incapable to do so.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I promised Paul and the others.

We left, and as we climbed on the elevator, I began to cry. I sat on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest as I sobbed it all out. I was too scared. Jimmy and Robert had to carry me out of the elevator, and the hotel. They sat me on a bench outside, waiting for me to calm down. As my sobbing turned into hiccups I managed to wipe my face with a tissue Jimmy was handing me. I stood and hugged them both, beginning to cry again.

"Let's go home." I told them, taking each of their hands in mine. We walked side by side, with a slight skip in our step as we once had before everything had happened. I laughed, feeling Jimmy begin to do so and Robert follow us. We laughed all the way home, having a common katharsis. It would always be that way between us, no matter where we were.


i really hate goodbyes

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