Chapter 21

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~Layla POV~

Abby- Okay girls, the group dance this week is called "That's Life". It's about what some people go through in life to get to their dream. It has a few lifts in it so I need the lifts and your technique to be perfect. Let's get started.

~1 hour later~

Abby- Alright girls. We're going to stop there with the group dance for the day. Remember you only have 3 more days to perfect this dance. My trio I want you to go and get a drink and come back in 5 minutes.

Girls- Thank you.

~5 mins later~

Abby- Okay girls this is a cute jazz trio about why your boyfriend or husband doesn't love you anymore. A trio is the hardest thing to learn spacing wise, so I'm going to try to teach you the whole thing today. That way you 3 can practice it on your own time as well.

~Staci POV~

Holly- Now how is that far that they get to learn their whole dance today, when the group dance isn't even finished?

Christi- Because this is the only dance that she cares about. She put all her favorites in a dance together and will give them the most attention this week. They are willing to put dance first so they get special treatment.

Melissa-That's not true. Just because Staci decides to homeschool her children and I'm thinking about homeschooling soon doesn't mean we put dance first. We are doing what is best for our kids. So stop talking about our kids.

Christi- I'm not talking about your kids. I'm talking about the favoritism that Abby shows them!!! And of course you're going to homeschool, it allows you to get your daughters ahead more and have more secret dances.

Staci- But you can't yell at us for something that Abby is doing. Who am I to tell her how to run her dance company?

Jill- You would be a mother doing the right thing by telling her that the other girls deserve extra dances instead and they will do just fine.

Melissa- I will not ever pull or give away one of my daughters' dances unless there was a real reason

Staci- Same. Yeah, your girls will be happy but what about our kids' feelings afterwards

Holly- Then, they would know how our girls feel every week.

Staci- But why take it out on them, when it's Abby's decision on who dances every week?

Jill- It shouldn't be taken out on them, but Abby is always going to praise Layla, Lyric, and Maddie over all the other girls

Melissa- So go talk to Abby about it instead of yelling at us!! 

Sorry for the short chapter.

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