Chapter 23

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~Layla POV~

It was the day of the competition and we were on the bus. I was sitting next to my sister. Maddie and Chole were in front of us. Lyric and I were watching The Originals on Netflix.

Abby- OKay girls, get ready to get off the bus. As soon as we walk in I want game faces on. You need to go straight to the dressing room and start getting ready and going over your dances. I'm expecting a clean sweep today.

A few minutes later we arrived and collected our suitcases. We walked to the dressing room and saw that it was an actual dance studio.

Abby- Yes!! A place where we can actually run our numbers. Girls, let's start getting ready for solos and trio.

~After everyone is ready and numbers are ran~

Abby- Mackenzie, you need to redeem yourself for last week. I gave you a more mature dance this week because if you can dance with the big girls and do advanced choreography,. Then you can do it by yourself and win for the ALDC. Chole and Kendall, I expect a first and second place in the overalls. I want to see who is my number 2 girl, when my number ones aren;t here. So go out there and do what you were taught. The trio, you guys are my number one girls. Everyone is expecting you to win but also wants to see you fail. Don't give them that satisfaction. Go out on that stage and dance like it's the last time you're ever going to dance. Let's go girls; time to walk.

Her turns were beautiful and she danced great.There Is going to be some tough competition today. I'm glad I don't have a solo today.

She came off stage looking very proud of herself. I think she did great as well. It's going to be a tight race between her and Chloe.

I felt bad that she froze on stage. I know how scary and embarrassing that can be. She's probably also really scared of what Ms. Abby is going to say and do. She looked great for what she did remember. After comforting her, it was time for the trio.

I think we did good but it could have been better, We had timing and pacing issues. But, I need to shake that off and get ready for the group dance. We have to get first overall.

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