Chapter 9

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~Abby POV~
Abby- OK, girls until Lyric gets back from the doctors, we'll be working on solos. Chloe you're up first. Then, Mackenzie.
Jill- Abby when are you going to start the duet.
Abby- I don't know. We still have other dances to learn and perfect. Maybe we'll get to it today or we'll do it tomorrow.
Holly- Abby, that's not fair to Nia and Kendall.
Abby- I said at pyramid if we have time then we will do a duet and I don't know if we have enough time.
Jill- Why won't we have enough time?
Abby- I mite have an injured dancer because of you Jill. You're lucky I don't pull the duet all together. That's all I have to say, mom get out.
~Lyric POV~
Lyric- Mom do you think Ms. Abby will be mad at me
Staci- No honey. You're only out for 3 weeks, maybe 2.
Lyric- OK.
It was silent the rest of the way to the studio. When we got there, I was nervous. We walked into Studio A were Abby was rehearsing Mackenzie's solo.
Staci- Doctor says its just sprained and she should be able to dance in 2- 3 weeks
Abby- Aw, honey. I'm sorry. I know how bad you wanted to be in this group dance.
Lyric- I'm sorry Ms. Abby. I let the group down
Abby- No you didn't. You'll be fine in a few weeks and getting better. But, I do have to replace you in the group.
Lyric- Who's going to replace me?
Abby- Do you know Shopia Lucia?
Lyric- Yea. We're great friends.
Abby- She's going to replace you
Lyric- OK. When is she coming?
Abby- She should be here in a few hours.
~Few hours later~
Abby- Everyone in Studio A.
The select team and the junior elite stood separate.
Abby- I want everyone to welcome Shopia and her mom. She will be filling in for Lyric until she gets better and maybe she'll stay her after.
Christi- Why did you need to bring in Shopia, when you have all theses dancers here already?
Abby- Because none of my junior elite team members are to their level. The things I have Lyric doing in the dance they can't do and I don't have time to teach them.
Jill- They aren't at that level because are kids go to school full time and you don't give any of them the time except Maddie.
Staci- My girls go to school full time. They just go to school at home. That's not an excuse. if they want it they need to work outside of dance class and take extra classes.
Jackie- My daughter does go to school. She gets booked for jobs too much, so we moved her to online-school.
Abby- Stop taking about other kids because they take dancing more serious than your child. They wanted to learn new things so they worked for it.
Staci- Our daughter also do rhythmic gymnastics so they learn things there too. They are usually in advanced ballet classes.
Abby- Ladies, we don't have time for this we have number to do. Selcect team members and moms stay in here. Everyone else your dismissed for now.

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