Part 3

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PoV: Sonic

"Who's coming over again?" Tails asked as I was finishing the dishes.

"Knuckles is. I just need to check something," I answered.

"Really?" He took out a clean cup and ran off before coming back with it full.

"What are you doing? Ow!" He pricked me with a pin.

"It's still turning yellow," he answered.

"Where did you get a testing kit?" I hadn't bought one for him.

"I figured out how they made them from one of the boxes last time. Mine are much more accurate," he had a bright smile on his face.

"I guess I should trust your tests more then," I ruffled his fur.

"Hey, I just brushed my fur," he started fixing his fur with the reflection of a cup.

"Relax, you don't need to worry about your looks. You're a cute kid, and you're smart. You'll be loved no matter what your role is," I messed up his fur again.

"Hey! I just fixed it!" He glared at me as I laughed.

Ding! The doorbell rang.

"He's here already?" It was earlier than expected.

"I'm telling Knuckles you burrow and cuddle pillows in your sleep!" Tails shouted.

"Don't you dare!" I grabbed him before he could get to the door.

"Sonic, you home? No one answered-" Knuckles came in and I covered Tails' mouth as quickly as possible, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing just gotta get the kid to do his homework. Isn't that right Tails," I turned him towards the stairs to send him to his room.

"Sonic cuddles in his sleep!" He shouted and ran upstairs.

"Tails!" I didn't want anyone to find out.

"I know," Knuckles' response left us both in a bit of shock.

"Eh? You know?" I turned around to face him.

"Yeah. You slept over at my house a few times in middle school. One time you rolled onto my bed and nuzzled into my chest-"

"Ah! Don't tell him that!" I interrupted him.

"Sonic..." I flinched as I heard Tails' voice get low, "You didn't tell me Knuckles was you're mate!"

"He's not!" I quickly corrected him, "Go to your room already and play a video game!"

"Fine! I will!" He finally left.

I collapsed onto my knees, This kid is going to wear me out.

"Sonic," Knuckles picked me up and put me on the couch, "Don't stress yourself out. You could hurt your womb."

"Who's side are you on?" I huffed.

"Yours," he smiled at me, "Huh?"

"What is it?" I asked as Knuckles suddenly pulled my arm closer to him.

"Your scent changed," His statement felt as though I had been pierced in the stomach.

"Y-you noticed it too... Hahaha!" I felt almost completely out of energy.

"It if helps, you smell delicious."

"Delicious!?" I couldn't believe he thought that.

"We need to get you started on suppressants. You can't go back to school until we find the right one. Also," his calming look changed to one that was dead serious, "We need to find you a friend who isn't an alpha. If you go into heat at school I can't go near you. Even with a medical mask omega's pheromones are extremely powerful."

"I know all that but... I only have you guys," I hadn't really talked to anyone else in school, "besides... that would mean I'd have to tell someone else that I'm not a beta... What if they spill the secret?"

"Sonic! You need a beta or omega friend to get you home until your heat ends. What if you get caught by an alpha?" He was gripping my hand too hard, it was starting to hurt.

"That hurts, Knuckles..." I felt his hand let go.

"I'm sorry, do you need ice?" Knuckles moved my sleeve.

"It's okay. It wasn't hard enough to bruise. But... I know all that. I don't want a mate yet... Alright. I'll look for someone who's trustworthy... Just in case something happens," I really didn't want anyone else to find out.

"You set up an appointment, right? To get the medicine you need?" Knuckles wasn't always this pushy. He was more relaxed back in middle school. He changed once he found out I was omega. Still, he was a good friend who was just looking out for me. I was grateful for that.

"Yeah, I did. I'm going today around one-"

"Let me walk you there," he look so determined. Kinda reminds me of Amy pushing for a date...

"I'm fine-"

"You're currently releasing pheromones," he reminded me.

"Okay..." I gave up. It was too dangerous for me to walk around alphas I had never met while I was releasing pheromones.

"You should go get ready. It's almost noon."

"I know that geez," I got up and grabbed a bag of chips and a juice box, "Here. Eat this while I get ready."

"Why do you always have snacks?" He looked completely lost.

"I'm raising an eight-year-old with a big appetite," I grabbed another snack-size bag of chips, a juice box, and a few blueberries that I put in a bowl, "Tails, I brought you snacks."

"Really!" He opened his door, took the snacks, and shut it again, "Thank you!"

Maybe I should have put more on his plate this morning.


"Knuckles... you're too close..." I shifted as we stood on the train. Knuckles was standing directly behind me, he was basically hugging me while he held the railing with me.

"I can't leave you exposed. Not until you get everything you need," he pulled me closer to his body.

Knuckles' scent isn't as strong as Shadow's was. I wonder if it's because of his suppressants. If that was how strong alpha scents get I should be able to control myself easily. I didn't have any reaction to Shadow's scent, but the teacher sent him out of class...

"Sonic, hey," I could hear Knuckles calling me, "Fine."

"Ah!" I panicked as I was suddenly picked up and carried out of the train, "Wait... eh?!" I hadn't realized it was Knuckles who picked me up, "Knuckles? W-why did you pick me up?"

"You were trapped in one of your little daydreams. I couldn't snap you out of it so I grabbed you before we missed your stop," he put me down and grabbed my hand, "Come on, before you get yourself lost."

"I know where I'm going! Knuckles! Let my hand go! Knuckles!"



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