Part 29

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PoV: Sonic

  My heat had finally ended and I was allowed back at school again. I felt like there were more eyes on me now. Shadow hadn't come near me again. I had even brought him another lunchbox. I didn't want to be trapped in the classroom or harassed outside. I decided to hide out in the nurse's room for some time to myself.

"Sonic, I didn't expect to see you again so soon," Dr. Vanilla smiled as I came in.

"Yeah, I just wanted to hide. I don't like being locked up in the classroom. Can I eat here?" I asked.

"Of course," Dr. Vanilla continued working on her computer as I took a seat at the small table to eat, "When you're finished eating I'd like to give you a small check-up. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, it's fine," I had texted Shadow about eating lunch but he hadn't responded.


"Alright," Vanilla set down her stethoscope after finishing her check-up on me, "You are officially out of your heat. It must have been difficult since you didn't get properly educated on puberty for omegas."

"It was harder at first. It got a little hazy whenever Shadow was around too, but he managed to make me feel better..." I looked around, we were alone, "Don't tell anyone but... Shadow's scent is kinda soothing. It's like lavender tea."

"His scent?" Vanilla had another smile, "No wonder he's so protective of you. You two are a pair."

"Eh? No way, we aren't even friends. I don't think Shadow likes me all the much either. He sees me as a free meal ticket," I quickly shook that thought off my mind, "There's no way we're a pair."

"But you could smell Shadow's scent, that lavender tea smell," Dr. Vanilla looked concerned and pulled out a textbook.

"Yeah but everyone has a scent. Usually, they have different levels of musky smell. But Shadow's the only one who smells different..." I had a bad feeling all of a sudden.

"Sonic, take a look here," Vanilla opened the textbook, "That musky smell is Alpha pheromones. All alphas release their pheromones regularly. It's their body's way if attracting a mate. Omegas however only release their pheromones when they're approaching their heat, and they become even stronger in active heats. You understand this, correct?"

"Yeah, it was in the beta's biology class..." I felt anxious as she turned the page.

"Omegas all have a scent which can be smelled by everyone. Alphas, Betas, and omegas alike can faintly smell an omega's scent. However, omegas cannot smell an alpha's scent unless they are a pair. Alphas can smell each other's scents just fine, but they can smell their pairing omega's scent up to 10 times stronger than any others. You smelling Shadow's scent means that he is your mate. The way Shadow acts around you, I'm guessing he can smell your scent at a much more potent strength than normal alphas," She showed me the textbook description which had a more detailed explanation of why this happens on hormonal levels, "You and Shadow are mates. Congratulations."

"We're mates..." I felt my body get warm, "No way! He's my mate?! This can't be real, maybe he just had some really strong lavender tea or cologne? What am I gonna do!"

PoV: Shadow

  He brought me lunch again... and he's waiting in the nurse's office... I hadn't answered Sonic's text yet. I had to confirm a thought which had been lingering in my mind. I snuck into the chemistry lab and found a biology book. I flipped through the pages and my concern was quickly confirmed.

Fuck... I shut the book and left to the rooftop for some space. Sonic's scent wasn't so strong because he was always in heat...

"Damn it..." I sighed as I took a seat.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine," I heard a voice from above me. A white bat was sitting atop the small shed where the door to the rooftop was, "Aren't you always hanging out with that rare male omega? You, jock boy, and the bubblegum hair dye girl."

"Is there a reason you're speaking to me?" I got up getting ready to leave and she jumped down, blocking the doorway.

"Yeah, that girl, Amy. She's an alpha, right? You know her. Introduce me," she wasn't letting me by.

"I don't know her and I don't know you. I'd like to leave now. Move aside," I glared.

"The name's Rouge, I like jewelry and fashion. Now you know me, Sunshine," She smiled and came up too close.

"My name isn't Sunshine, it's Shadow. And I'm still not introducing you. Leave me alone," I pushed past her and left.

"Geez, you didn't have to be rude about it," she was following me, "Look, I don't know if you knew this but that little boyfriend of yours is being targeted. I can get you some more info, and I'll tell you now it's not that green asshole Scourge. Here," she handed me a page from her pocket, "Give me a text if you change your mind Sunshine."

She flew back up the stairs and left to the rooftop again.

  He's being targeted but someone? I saved her number in my phone for now. Something about this was unsettling. Hasn't he been through enough? Who the hell has the balls to target him? This has nothing to do with me being his mate, Sonic is an idiot who can't handle himself.

I won't let anyone touch him. Ever.



Well we'll well, 2 big reveals in one chapter. How's that for drama? Anyway hope you all enjoyed!

Love you guys~ 😚😚😚

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