Part 8

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PoV: Sonic

  I started on my hell with an early phone call this morning. Shadow had me save his number so he could message me at any time. It was first day as his errand boy. He decided to start off with a phone call.

"Mm... again?" I groaned as I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Once again I woke up freezing after being hot all night. I grabbed my phone and read the name Dillhole off my screen. Dillhole? "Oh..." I sighed as I realized it was Shadow, "Hello?"

  I answered and he began talking immediately, "What are your cooking abilities?"

"Eh? Average I guess... I cook all my meals~" I yawned as I bundled up with my blanket. It was still thirty minutes until I had to wake up. Why the hell is this guy up so early?

"What are you making today?" He asked.

"Mm... California rolls with~" I yawned again as I laid back down, "Seaweed salad and pillows..."


"Oh, Tails calls Inari pillows. He's called them that... since he was two~" I was slowly falling back to sleep.

"I'm not interested in your personal life. Add wasabi to my lunch. Bye."

"Eh?" I looked at the phone, he hung up! Wait a second did he just ask me to make his lunch? "I don't have a third bento box! Shadow!" I called him back and he didn't answer, "Ugh! Dillhole!"

  I received a text message from him soon after.

No ginger.

"Fine, no ginger. But you didn't say how much wasabi you wanted," I got up and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and started cooking the rice. I prepped everything and made breakfast.

  When the rice was done I went again and packed Tail's lunch and my own. Then I grabbed the most obnoxious Tupperware we hand. Shadow got his roll with wasabi right beside the avocado and plenty hidden in the inari below the rice. I packed Shadow's in an old yogurt container that made an observed amount of noise. I secured it with a rubber band after.

"Mmph, enjoy your lunch Shadow~" I stuck a paper with his name on it under the rubberband, "You wanted extra wasabi."

"Sonic! Is breakfast ready yet?" Tails had finally come downstairs.

"Yup! Come eat!"


  I dropped Tails off at school and then I got a message on my phone again. It was from Shadow. Why the hell does he want to meet there? I followed the instructions he sent me. I met Shadow in the bathroom on the second floor. Where is he?

"You have it?"

"Ahh!" I jumped as Shadow suddenly appeared behind me.

"Shut up. The point of meeting here is the privacy," he grabbed me, "Lunch."

"Then maybe don't sneak up on me next time," I reached into my back and handed him the Tupperware, "I don't have a spare bento box-"

"This is fine. Here," he dropped a brand new bento box set into my hand, "Use that for tomorrow."

"Wait you want me to pack your lunch every day!?" He had already left... I looked at the box, it was slightly larger than my own and completely pitch black. Even the furoshiki was pitch black with a mild red trim, "You really picked a bento box that looked like you."

  I stuffed it into my bag and left the bathroom. This guy went out of his way to buy a bento box just to have me pack his lunch every day. Well, at least he's not making me do anything lewd. I can handle some extra cooking. I just wish it wasn't for an asshole like him.


"Sonic, what's up?" Ray had sat at my desk with Amy for lunch today, it was so peaceful. Shadow wasn't even here, I could only imagine how he was reacting to the wasabi rolls I made him, "You've got a big smile on your face."

"Nothing much, just enjoying lunch," I ate my last roll. Ray and Amy had already taken their fair share of my lunch. Although they did bring me curry bread in exchange so it was fair.

"Sonic~ you should have brought more sushi~" Amy whined.

"Your birthday is coming up right?" I reminded her it was already September, "I'll come over and cook if you want for your gift."

"Really! Ah~ I can't believe you! What should I ask for? I don't know~" Amy went into a happy daydream.

"Do you like cooking that much?" Ray asked.

"I guess so. But it's not really the cooking that I like. I like seeing people enjoy my food is all. Amy is a consistent customer, but also my competition," I laughed.

"Sonic!" Amy shot up, "You gave us a delicious picnic bento yesterday. I spent all night thinking..." She pointed at me, "I'm going to beat you with my own picnic lunch. Ray you have to join us as judge. With that said," she clasped her hands together and bowed, "Can I walk home with you a borrow the large bento box?"

"This sounds fun," Ray was all excited, Well I'd be too if I ate the same sandwich every day.

"Sure thing. But," I grinned, "Today is Thursday."

"Oh no..." Amy groaned.

"What happens on Thursdays?" Ray asked.

"Every Thursday the chili dog vendor sets up shop outside the grocery store near my house. So, I buy a dozen chillidogs from him for me and Tails. It's the best~" I could only imagine what kind of toppings the vendor would have today.

"Is a dozen a lot for two people?" Ray asked.

"You'd be surprised how many Sonic can eat," Amy sighed, "We'll, I'll buy my ingredients while you get your chili dogs I guess. I was hoping to stay long enough for dinner~"

"I've never had a chili dog before," Ray finished his sandwich and I froze.

"Not one? Ever?" I asked.

"Are they that good?" He was completely clueless about them!

"Ray," I grabbed his hand, "Walk home with us, please. You're trying a chili dog. I'll buy you three if you want!"

"One is enough, thank you but... which grocery store do you live by?" He made a good point. If we didn't live in similar directions, walking home could get messy

"The Acron market by the shopping district," I sat back down a sipped on the juice box Tail had left in my bag for about 2 days now.

"Oh!" Ray perked up, "I live on that street. There's a woman who sells Taiyaki next door. She's got the best flavors."

"Looks like desert just opened up~" I couldn't be more excited to head home. Tails is going to love dinner.

PoV: Shadow

  He packed it into a yogurt container. I sat alone on the roof with my lunch. I opened it up and it all looked neatly packed. Each roll looked perfectly made. Lair, he said he had average cooking skills.

  I took a bite, my tongue practically burned from all the wasabi, "He made them perfectly..."

  Each bite had the perfect amount of wasabi, he even put it into the inari. So long as he doesn't release his hormones in class and no one learns he's an omega I could care less what he does. I just need my lunches every day.

   An errand boy isn't all too bad.



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