Part 5

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PoV: Shadow The Hedgehog

  Where did that beta say my classroom was last Friday?

  I spotted him across the yard. He was talking with some Silver colored hedgehog alpha. He handed him something and left. I stayed farther back before I followed him to the classroom. He had a seat across the classroom from me.

"Sonic~ I missed you~" that pink girl alpha came in.

"You saw me yesterday," They looked close.

"I can still miss you. Here, I got you this," she placed a bottle on his desk.

"What is it?" He took it.

"It's some perfume. I thought this scent would suit you pretty well," she took her seat and he put the bottle away.

  Sonic, huh? How irritating. It bothered me. I hadn't been here very long but I could tell that every omega's scent was weak from medications. It was only last Friday when I arrived that I could smell something stronger and more interesting. Omegas can smell each other so of course the omega teacher wouldn't notice. He's hiding his pheromones. He has to be. But why?

PoV: Sonic

  This smells pretty good. I was in the boy's bathroom when I sprayed a bit of the perfume onto my wrist. One spritz should cover the last of my scent.

"Okay," I sprayed the bottle once over my head and let the perfume sprinkle onto me, "There."

"Aren't guys supposed to use a body spray?" I flinched as someone came in.

"It's just a bit of cologne. I only wanted to try it out-" It was the new transfer student, Shadow. Him again!? This guy was already suspicious once, I just have to keep leaning him off me being an omega.

"You get that from your girlfriend?" Shadow asked.

"No. I don't have a girlfriend. Relationships don't interest me. Amy's just a friend. She just thought this would suit me, so I wanted to try it out," I put the bottle into my bag.

"You did mention that last week," he sounded closer.

"Ah!" He was directly behind me.

"Startled much?" His hand brushed against my cheek.

"What do you want?" I wanted to back away but his hand landed on my hip.

"I want to check something," his hand slipped into my pocket.

"Hey!" He stolen my phone, "Give me that!" I grabbed it back from him, "What are you a pickpocket?"

"Of sorts," his other hand, it was holding my suppressants! "Omega."

"How did you find those..." I didn't get it... Why is he so insistent on finding out? He had evidence. I have one last shot, "Give those back. They belong to someone else!"

"Really? Then I should turn them into the office for you-"

"You can't! This-this person doesn't go here. They're for my little brother. He's an early bloomer. He always forgets to take them so I usually remind him. They must have-"

"I think that's enough lying. If these fell into your bag they wouldn't have been tucked away safely in a pocket hidden in the seam of your bag. You hid them intentionally because this brand needs to be taken three times a day with food. You have to take them during your lunch breaks. You had a bag of chips in your backpack to blame the noise on from the package crinkling. How can I believe a lie when you went to such lengths to hide the evidence?" He saw right through me... I couldn't lie to this guy. He had won. There was nothing I could say to change his mind.

"Why did you want to find out so bad? Are you going to tell people that I'm not a beta?" I had no choice, if I could keep him quiet for now I'd do whatever he asked.

"No. They'll find out on their own. You can't suddenly disappear from class without an emergency," he grabbed me, "I hope you realize how many alpha's instincts have reacted to your pheromones."

"What do you want from me? I don't want you to say anything, so what do you want?" I asked.

"You really think you can bribe me?" His left hand moved from my hip toward the button on the pants to my uniform.

"Stop... you can't just touch me wherever you want," I moved his hand off me, "I'll do whatever you want but..."

"But?" His left hand grabbed me again, resting on my chest.

"I not sleeping with you! Sex is out of the question!" I snapped at him.

"I never asked to sleep with you," he pressed me against him, "I'll think about your offer. Until then, I'll remain silent about your little secret, you owe me a favor of the same value," He let me go and handed me my pills back, "The teacher sent me to bring you back to the classroom, so it's time to go back."

"Okay..." I quietly followed him back to my classroom.

  What is he planning? Why didn't he just come up with something for me to do on the spot? I told him sex isn't an option but... Why didn't he insist on it?

  I couldn't stop my thoughts from racing. I didn't know this guy, and he wasn't acting like the average alpha. I felt like I had just made a deal with someone very dangerous.

  I took my seat and avoided contact with almost everyone for the rest of the day. Shadow had even ruined my plan to eat lunch with the one person I needed to befriend. Shadow wouldn't let me leave sight, I couldn't continue as planned. Shadow was in every one of my classes. In each one, I would catch him glaring at me.

  Why is stalking me?!

--- Gym Class ---

"Amy..." I grabbed her hand, "I messed up..."

"Eh? What's wrong? You look fine- is it starting?" She whispered that last part, "Do you need to go home again?"

"No, I just..." I felt a presence behind me, I turned back and sure enough, Shadow was staring again. Nowhere is safe, "Can I hang out at your place after school?"

"Of course! I just bought this tea I wanted to try. We can have snacks too! Come over around four okay? I need to clean up my mess from breakfast," she was as excited as always. She got this way anytime I came over, "We can hang out, just the two of us~!"

"Um... I wanted to invite everyone," I corrected her.

"Oh. Bring a cake with you then, we can split it with everyone," she was still pretty excited. Sorry, Amy, I need to tell everyone what the problem is.

  I looked back and Shadow was busy doing the gym exercises. Why does he keep turning to look at me?

PoV: Shadow

  He acts exactly like a beta. I observed him throughout the day. Sonic was extremely cautious of every detail. He never once let anyone get the chance to suspect him.

  The girl he was with, she was with him constantly, was almost like a guard. But she wasn't as cautious as he was. Although it was subtle, it was still there. She held his hand like it was a delicate flower. He looked at him as if he was something precious. What is that idiot doing so close to an alpha?

"We should hang out, just the two of us this weekend," I heard her as I walked by.

"Actually Amy, I need to do a few things with Tails this weekend. Sorry, but I'm too busy," Sonic was avoiding any time completely alone with her.

  I see, so she knows he's an omega. She sees him as a potential mate, yet Sonic claims to have no interest in relationships. I wonder... What does she plan to do to him when he's in heat? I wonder what the outcome would be. It should only be a matter of time, his pheromones were strong on Friday, and they're only going to get stronger until he goes into heat. What is his plan for then?

  Enough of overthinking this. I need to decide what exactly I'll make him do for me.



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