midnight snack part 1

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I wake at 5:00 in the morning for my daily mile run around the track and thats when i realize that black widow bitch is running as well. I look behind me and scoff. I finish my run and get a water out of the fridge. "Morning" i hear behind me a voice that i hate so fucking much. "What." I say in a cold tone. "Jesus i was just saying morning" she says rolling her eyes, she then walks off back to her bedroom. Its around 8am before anyone else gets up. I watch as Steve walks down the steps. "Morning y/n." He says smiling.  I return the smile. "Morning Rogers." I see the rest of the team walk down the steps except for natasha. "Hey everyone. Who wants breakfast?" I say grabbing a pan. "Oh can you make scrambled eggs? And toast please?" I hear tony ask while he sits down on the couch. "Yea, is that good with everyone else?" They all agree. I see wanda walk up behind me. She has been my bestfriend for 2 years. And she knows how deep my hatred runs for natasha. I have no explanation for hating her but i just have since day one. "Hey wands" i say turning around. "Hey Y/N , do you need any help?" I shake my head no so she grabs a water out of the fridge and walks away. I finish breakfast and evsryone finshes eating. Im surprised natasha still isnt down. I might hate her but i should probably still check up on her. She is usually down here before the rest of us. I walk up the stairs to her bedroom and seeing her laying in a hammock next to her window, writing in a book, a diary maybe. She quickly puts it away and looks at me. "What do you want y/n?" She says. "You missed breakfast. I was just checking to make sure your ok." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Oh didnt realize you cared." I scoff and walk out of the room. I head down to the training center and walk up to steve. "Hey can i see the schedule for today? I want to see who im paired with." He hands me the schedule as i look it up and down. "No this has to be wrong. Who made this? Im paired with natasha." Steve looks at me. "We paired you on purpose. You havent given her a chance y/n. Who knows you may become besties." He says smiling. "Yea no i don't think so. But whatever you say i guess kne day won't hurt." I head into the lockers and get dressed seeing natasha already waiting in the fighting ring. "Lets just get this over with." I say. She smiles and gets into a fighting stance. I go in for a jab but she takes me out by my legs and tries to pin me but i flip her over. She kicks me off and goes in for a neck jab but i dodge her and get her into a choke hold, that she quickly gets out of. She tries to hit me but i pin her. We are both breathing heavily. She gets out from underneath of me and we realize our training time is finally up. I walk into the lockers and head for the showers. I shower, get changed and head for my room. I stop in and knock on wandas door. "You are not going to believe this" i say with an annoyed expression. "Whats up?" "I got fucking paired with natasha." She starts to smile. I look at her in confusion. "Did you pair us??" I say in an angry tone. "Nope wasnt me but damn. How did it go?" I look at her while sitting down on the bed. "Fine. We got it over with without to much talking. Thank god" she laughs. "Well im gonna go relax. And get ready for bed." "Okay goodnight y/n." I walk over to my room and get into an oversized tee and panties. I watch tv for a little while until about midnight but right as im about to turn the tv off i hear a knock on my door. I walk over to the door and open it. The person i was least expecting is standing on the otherside of the door. Natasha. "What do you wa- hey whats wrong?" I see her partly in tears as i go in for a hug. I set my hand on the back of her head. I pull away. "Whats wrong natasha?" She wipes her tears and says "i just got a call. My girlfriend broke up with me." I look at her shocked. "Your gay??" I say. "Yea i am. But can i come in?" I walk away from the door signaling for her to come over to the bed. She comes over and sits down beside me. "So why did you come in my room? I mean you couldve went to anyone elses room." She looks at me and says "well because um.. i dont know. I guess it just felt right." I look at her, confused. "What do you mean it just felt right?" She looks at me, blushing "again I dont know. I mean i know you hate me, but you must not hate me that much otherwise you wouldnt of let me into your room. But can i stay in here tonight? Please?" I look at her and nod. She curls up next to me and i look at her really confused. "Wh-what are you doing?" I say. She looks up at me in embarrassment and pulls away. "Oh i-im sorry i didnt think yo-" i cut her off seeing as she is an embarrassed mess. "No no its fine come here." I pat next to me on the bed. She looks at me, as if asking for permission. I nod my head signaling for her to come over to me. She curls back up next to me as i pull the blanket over her. I wrap my arms around her as she falls asleep. 

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