Y/n Stark

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My name is y/n stark. My father is Tony Stark. Yes, Iron Man is my father. Im 21, and a lesbian.

"Hey da- oh shit." I accidentally walked in on one of his meetings. "Sorry im not supposed to be here." I say while going to walk out. My dad grabs my wrist. "You might as well introduce yourself." He says while rolling his eyes. I stand there and scan over the room when a cute red head catches my eye. "Im y/n stark, Tony's daughter." I say more to the girl than the rest of them. I blush and look away and so does she. "Wait Tony. You have a daughter? And your just now telling us?!" A well built man with a cleanly shaved beard said this. "Well im Captain America, but most call me Steve." I nod and look at the girl next to  him. "Im Natasha Romanoff, aka black widow." She says, not looking at me. I make my way around the table til I get to the girl with sunset red hair and green eyes. "O-oh I'm Wanda, nice to meet you y/n." She says with a thick russian accent. So shes gorgeous and russian. Wow. "Okay well im gonna go back to my room." I say as I awkwardly walk out. I walk into my room and start to paint. I dont even think about it I just paint, letting my heart guide my hand. I back up and look at it. I painted Wanda. I quickly put the painting away and sit at my desk. I play some music but end up falling asleep. About an hour later i wake up to a knock and my dad walking in. "Hey y/n, come downstairs. Everybody wants to talk to you." He walks away and I follow. I go and sit down on one of the couches next to Wanda. "Oh hey." I say trying to seem cool. She blushes and starts to play with her hair. "Hey." She says while smiling. Tony clears his throat and says "everybody you can talk to y/n, im going to finish working on my new A.I." He walks away and everybody turns to look at me. Natasha goes first. "So kid, where you from?" "Well im actually from New York, my mom was an artist." Thor looks at me. "Lady Stark, are you currently in a relationship?" I laugh, "no." He smiles at me and then Bruce speaks. "Who is your favorite avenger?" Everybody looks at him like he's stupid. "What? Its a genuine question." I look at everyone then back at him. "Well if i had to choose anyone it would have to be Scarlet Witch." I say with a smile. She blushes and looks away. "Do you have any training?" Peter asks. I nod and walk over to him and before he can even react i put him in a chokehold. "Ok so thats a yes." Says Natasha. I laugh and let him go. "Alright well im gonna go lay down seeing as its 9pm, come to my room if you need anything." They all say bye and I walk back up to my room. I lay down on my bed and turn the tv on. I watch some Vampie Diaries before I fall asleep. I wake up at 2am and go down to the kitchen to get some water. I see Wanda drinking a cup of water while sitting at the table. "Can't sleep?" I ask. She nods. "Yea me neither." I say as I sit down next to her. I can tell shes been crying. "Whats wrong?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Nothing just some personal stuff." I take a sip of my water. "Well if you need me im in my room, doors always open." I say as i walk away. I go and hang in my room for another 30 minutes, trying to fall asleep. But i cant. I hear my door creak open and see Wanda checking if im sleeping. "Hey come on in." I say, not looking at her. I pat next to me on the bed. My heart was racing, I couldn't believe she actually came in here. "So whats up?" I say as I look at her. There is tears streaming down her face. "Hey Wanda you know you can talk to me right?" I say as i pull her in for a hug. I get up and turn my desk lamp off. I lay down on my bed and pull her towards me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her, stroking her hair. We stay there like that until she stops crying. She gets up to go leave but i grab her wrist. "You can stay if you want." I say. "I can turn on the TV if you'd like?" I ask. She nods and I lay her down next to me and grab the remote, resuming what I was watching before. I lift her face up to look at me. I wipe her tears and cup her face. "You dont have to tell me. Just know that your safe in here okay?" I hug her. "Its okay." I say as i stroke her hair. I knew she would never like me. Shes straight, right? She eventually falls asleep on my chest. I just lay there, cherishing the moment. I eventually fall asleep. I wake up to my alarm. 7 am, I turn it off before it wakes up Wanda. "Goodmorning. How did you sleep?" I whisper as her eyes flutter open. She groans. She manages to mumble out a "morning" I laugh. I take me arms out from around her but she grabs my arms. "No, dont leave!" She says as she pulls me back into the bed. "We have to get up!" I say. She groans and gets up. "You can take a shower in there." I point over towards the bathroom. She nods. "Thanks." She says as she gets undressed. In front of me. "Woah, don't you wanna take that to the bathroom?" I ask, covering my eyes. She laughs "sorry I wasn't thinking!" She walks into the bathroom. Finally after 30 minutes she comes out, only in a towel. I blush and look away, internally freaking the fuck out. "What, is something wrong?" She asks. I start to freak out. "O-oh um no." I say. She gets dressed and lays back down on my bed. "So you gonna tell me what was wrong last night?" I ask. "Oh well um, I-I I've been dealing with some mental problems ever since Pietro died. Um PTSD actually." I nod and crawl in bed next to her. I hug her. "Why? Why are you being nice to me?" She asks. I hug her tighter. "Wanda, why wouldnt i be nice to you?" I ask. She looks up at me. "I don't know, ever since my brother died, people have been pushing me away. I havent felt any kind of physical or emotional love since Pietro died. Vision's been distant, at this point nobody even pays attention to me anymore." I hear quiet crying. I pull her up into my lap. "What are you doing?" She asks. I lay her head down on my chest. "Dont talk. Just hold me. I know how you feel Wanda. My dads never home and ever since my mom died, i havent felt any happiness. Its okay. You'll get through it." I say as i stroke her hair. She wraps her arms around me and continues to cry. "Its okay. Im here." I say. I stroke her back. "Can i show you something?" I ask. She nods after she wipes her face. I get up and oukk the painting of her out of my closet. "Wha-" " i painted this." I say as she continues to look at me in surprise. "Oh my god y/n. Thank you." She says as i hand it to her to look at. "I figured you could use something to make you feel a little bit happier." I say as i walk over and hug her. "What do you want to do today? Todays gonna be all about you. I may not know you that well, but i can tell you need a me day." I say as I let go of her. "Well I'd  like to go for a walk in the park if thats okay with you?" She asks shyly. "Yea of course!"

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