Professor Part 12 (sorry its short)

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It's the day of the funeral. Am I ready for this? I can barely talk about them without crying. I don't want to make a fool of myself. I'm really glad I have Nat. "Hey baby, you doing okay?" I hear Nat say as a pair of arms wrap around me. I nod, unable to trust my own voice. She hugs me tightly and takes my hand, leading me to the car. "You got this. I'm gonna be right there the whole time, I'm not going anywhere sweetie." A single tear falls down my cheek as I drive onto he highway. Everything I've had to do without them, things they should be there for, has been a living hell. I just want my parents back. "Are you ready, love?" She asks as she helps me out of the car. "As ready as I'll ever be." I say with an emotionless expression. She frowns at me and hugs me as we walk in. I feel eyes on me as soon as we walk in. "Baby It's okay, I'm right here." she says as she kisses my forehead, having to stand on the tips of her toes just to do so, which made me smile. She saw the weak smile and pulled me closer to her. "I love you." she says as we walk in. We take our seats in the front row. "Hey lil' sis." I turn over and see my older brother, Dave (he was named after my dad). "Hey Davie." I say, giving him a weak smile. He returns smile and looks over at my fiancé. "Who's this?" He asks, motioning his head towards Natasha. "This is my fiancé, Natasha." I say looking at her and smiling. He looks at me in surprise. "Fiancé?" He asks. I smile and nod, laying my hand on her thigh. He leans down and whispers "All that matters is that your happy y/n." He says smiling. 

We make it through the rest of the speeches, but mine is next. Am I gonna be able to do this? Or am I gonna break down in front of everybody. I don't know but I have to do this for them. Nat walks me up to the podium and I just stand there. I pull out my speech and start speaking. "My dad was my hero. He was always there for me and supported every decision I made, same goes for my mom. I really wish they were still here, so that they might be at my wedding. I'm getting married to that amazing woman over there-" I point to Natasha. "She has been the one who has helped me through my times, and hasn't left. My parents were on their way home from being at my house. I was sharing the news of my recent engagement. I really wish I could just wake up one morning and walk downstairs, to see my mom and dad in the kitchen. Eating breakfast and talking like they used to every morning." I feel myself tearing up. "I was their little girl, and I am proud to be called Dave and Jocelyn's daughter." I say smiling with tears streaming down my face. I go and sit back down. Natasha wraps her arms around me. I just sit there and cry for what felt like hours. I say goodbye to everyone and we finally get home. I kick off my shoes and go lay down, Nat following behind me. I lay down and cry into my pillow when I feel a a pair of arms bear hugging me from behind. "Shh it's okay sweetie." She says as she strokes my hair. "Thank you for being there today." I say as I turn over. She wipes my tear-stained face. "I'll always be there for you, Y/n I love you with all my heart." She pulls my face into her shoulder. "It's okay." She whispers as she kisses the top of my head. I'm so glad I have her. 

I  didn't realize it but I had fallen asleep. I wake up to an empty bed and sigh. Where had Nat gone? I close my eyes and just lay there. "Hey sleepyhead." I look up and see Nat leaning on the doorframe with what I'm hoping is coffee. She comes over and lays down next to me. "How'd you sleep?" she asks, setting her cup down. "Good, but will you lay here with me? I'm cold without you." I say in a fake pouty face. She laughs and nods. I curl up next to here, intertwining our legs. "I love you baby." I whisper as I feel myself fading back into sleep. She strokes my hair and whispers back "I love you to sweetheart." This woman was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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